SixPounder music video.?


New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2003
Does anyone know when it´s gonna come out??!?
I bet it´s going to fucking rule!!! and I also bet that Laiho is spitting in it. :p
I`m wondering if Kuoppala is in the video? ...maybe, maybe not.
COB 666
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It is out! From what I have been hearing... I forget who it was but I believe a usual poster has seen it for confirmation. I've been looking but cannot find.
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No clue. I tmight not even be out i really have no idea but I thought someone said so.

:EDIT: IT IS NOT OUT YET. My mistake I am just a random idiot who knows jack shit.
The cool thing is that the new video (and the others) will be on the COB DVD which hopefully will get released soon.
Aragorth said:
may I ask where you got this:

COB 666

its so familiar to me :D

I don´t know. It just pumped into my head from somewhere, and it looks cool too! Why is it familiar to you??

COB 666
LoPE said:
I don´t know. It just pumped into my head from somewhere, and it looks cool too! Why is it familiar to you??

COB 666
hehe, because child_of_bodom666 a.k.a. COB666 was my previous username. and sure its cool :Spin:

well I hope there will be a DVD once for sure, it wont be so soon, believe me. I am planning to buy a DVD player, so god they must release it :D