SixPounder music video.?

GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! the whole video would give me the rest right now, but that's a good beginning!
you have to copy the links ! they work! and they're sooo fucking great! they rule! argh! i need this video!
I started this thread because I had downloaded it already before(about 2weeks ago from the unnamed site), so don´t be mad at me ..
For those who have seen the video:
I´m not lying to you, by saying that I have it: Look at my first post in this thread and my signature. What do you see?
I really wanted to tell you guys that I have it,
but I was too afraid to share it
..I was thinking that I could get some shit to my neck.. but I still ain´t giving it to nobody.
So, you just need to wait. You WILL see it.
Omg I Need This Video So Fucking Bad!!!!!!!

Lope dude why would the hate crew give a fuck seriously????????? we all own hcdr some people have like 900 different copys of the album! surely alexi and the guys dont care if we see the video a few days early!

Alright.. still getting messages from people about this vid. Sorry for not answering all those mails... Can someone contact me about some (fast) free webspace, so that I can upload it and make everybody happy? (read: please give me an account to a fast ftp-server or something like that! :))

Rock on!