Sixpounder video is up!!!

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Yes Yes I will ask Pouet but I can't find any IM info and he's not online... eh guess I will PM him anyway.

Littel off topic but go check out those new The Duskfall samples they own the song Striving To Have Nothing is seriously gonna be insane.
Oh, and a little 'thank you' would be nice.. :( I've been trying for a couple of days to put it online for you guys
spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
dude he isnt online just tell us the address!
I can't give you the adress, sorry. He will take care of it, he promised. Just contact him.

This is the message:

i will give you an account but dont give it to anyone, i will share the video by myself when i will have it complete thx
Thank, seriously I will have sex with you... umm.... that might of just scared you away but I'm just kiddin anyway :D but seriously... you are the man :worship:
This has turned into war. And theres 2 sides.. theres black people.. and theres niggas. (Damn you Chris Rock and I'm not racist)

Bleeding Through - Dead Like Me <-- Good song, good band, quite kinky.
I cant wait anymore..almost 3threads talking about the vid...i want the video! dude where are you?
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