Skeletonwitch - Forever Abomination


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
My copy arrived today, it's pretty cool.
The production is really weird though.
The vocals seem to lack clarity in parts.
It's feels like they were trying to go for an analogue sound ITB, although I don't think that's the case. It's just a bit too clinical.
Would be curious to hear what others think.
First time I heard it, I was stoned off my ass and the guitars sounded like a video game. Don't ask.

The drums sound way too edited/triggered in my opinion, mainly the kick and snare. Not that it wouldn't work for some bands, but comparing this to their last release (btf), It just seems like you hear less of the actual drummer's natural sound.

Other than that, I like the songs so far, overall seems like a good release for them.
Heard some of the album on Youtube and watched their studio diary. SM7B was used for all the vocals it looks like, and it DEFINITELY sounds like they were going for an analogue sound. I haven't heard the lack of vocal clarity you mentioned, but I don't have the album in hand. I've also heard complaints about the kick interfering with the palm mutes, though I LOVE the kick sound!
The preview track I heard sounded a bit ploddy imo, but I've only heard the single track. Cover is awesome.