Skyfire merch

I will buy $300 worth of merch if you give us a studio update, samples, blog, anything regarding the new album. And by $300 i mean a shirt and a hoodie. But I'm serious on the update. Every Skyfire fan is losing their mind and starting to think this is "Wintersun - Time pt.II". PLEASE GIVE US 9 SECONDS OF GLORIOUS SKYFIRE OWNAGE AND WE WILL SACRIFICE AS MANY GOATS AS WE CAN AMASS...
Do you happen to know if there are any Mind Revolution shirts left? I wore mine to work and got paint on it. I'll probably take you up on the free picture with order placed before July deal.
the one with the spiral logo is a bit funky
but i think i'll probably pick up one with the fleur-de-lis looking dealie
as my mind revolution shirt is basically dead from all the wearing