Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available


Jan 2, 2007
The new Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum replacer is available for purchase and download. Check out the TRIGGER video by clicking the link below:


click for video:

To purchase TRIGGER, visit and click on the online shop

For customers who own the Steven Slate Drums Virtual Instrument version 3.0 or above, OR, for users of the *DRUMAGOG plugin 4.0 or above, we are offering a special 30 day promotion to get TRIGGER at a reduced cost. Visit:

Thanks, and enjoy!

*Drumagog is a registered trademark of Wavemachine Labs INC, and is not affiliated with Yellow Matter Entertainment, Slate Digital, Slate Pro Audio, or Steven Slate
Purchased the Platinum Upgrade, but the passcode I was given for the download site isn't working.

"That passcode was not found. Please check your information and try again. All attempts are logged with IP and email information."
This looks like a no-brainer to me.

any idea how long the discount for current users will be running for?

Thanks Steven!

Slate said:
For customers who own the Steven Slate Drums Virtual Instrument version 3.0 or above, OR, for users of the *DRUMAGOG plugin 4.0 or above, we are offering a special 30 day promotion to get TRIGGER at a reduced cost.

Read thread. Also, stop using Logic it sucks. :D
any passcode issue is being resolved right now, we may have had a small database error that is an easy fix..
Purchased the Platinum Upgrade, but the passcode I was given for the download site isn't working.

"That passcode was not found. Please check your information and try again. All attempts are logged with IP and email information."

LOL........That's all I'm sayin................
passcodes are all good now.. very minor little mistake that was fixed.. So besides the first eight minutes, we're in action!
