Then you're screwed....

No, just kiddin', just received a mail about black passcode fields, you should receive a new mail with a working passcode soon.

I'm downloading now, about 1-2 hours to go...
haha, I am a fkn noob. I have no idea how to get these kits to show up in Sonar 7 home studio. I have literally tried for about 4 hours. I really need some help peeps.

From scratch with no assumptions I know what I am doing. All I can tell ya is it works in Kontakt 3 stand alone (I can load the zep kit etc)
And I pasted the kontak 3.dlls etc into the cakewalk vst folder...everything is registered...

What am I missing? I figured Kontakt would show up as a VST instrument or something????

I just want a piano roll VST instrument style track in Sonar 7.
Why are people who sent in emails a week ago, being ignored, but people who bought recently are getting the mail for wav/gogs a few hours later? Makes no sense. I already emailed three times over the past week and a half.
^ I'm wondering why this happens with the passcode from audiomidi, I still don't have mine (2 weeks now).

Did you check your spam box for the wav/gog email?
I did not get passcode as well. They sent e-mail saying they run out of codes b/c of huge amount of people and that they are negotiating with Slate extra copies. Sit and wait for now. I guess.
I did not get passcode as well. They sent e-mail saying they run out of codes b/c of huge amount of people and that they are negotiating with Slate extra copies. Sit and wait for now. I guess.

At least you got a reply. If you do get a passcode could you mention it in this thread so I know they have passcodes and just completely ignore me.
if you didn't get a reply, check your spam box... we've been caught up on emails all day.. I'm going to have someone from our support staff join this forum so if you're not getting replies, just PM him.. good deal?
^ Sounds good, but in my particular case I don't know if it would help. I already got responses from your staff but it seems they can't do anything about it as it's audiomidi's fault.

I did get the waves and gogs but I don't have a passcode from audiomidi although my order status is "completed" (since feb. 16th) Am I allowed to use the wavs in this case?
Old Zep A kit is awesome! Well worth the $20 alone. Is there any kind of auto humanizing in Kontakt Player? Can't see any
Old Zep A kit is awesome! Well worth the $20 alone. Is there any kind of auto humanizing in Kontakt Player? Can't see any

I think it's done automatically. If you look at the settings of any of the drums you'll see "Humanizer: Advanced AMG", and then you can choose either intelligent or machine gun. It's set to intelligent by default.
SSD Virtual Instrument
The SSD Virtual Instrument, powered by KONTAKT Player3, is a standalone or RTAS-VST-AU plug-in that is easy to use and integrate into your DAW. It contains both maps for keyboard and a universal mapping for Roland VDrums. With its custom velocity and remapping features, you can also customize your own maps.

New in version 3.5 is the "Advanced AMG" anti-machine gun mode. This new algorithm is physically modeled after real drummers playing real drums. Advanced AMG makes the drums play with an extreme amount of realism with detailed response and sensitivity.
I can't get this aspect to get recognized as a VST virtual instrument in Sonar 7. What files do I need to be in the VST cakewalk folder to scan because I think I may be missing them.