Slate Samples/Phase....just wow

Hi Viking, good post.

And the answer, is that I think it IS still a settings issue. So your question is why does it trigger 1000 hits perfectly and then mistrigger 3 random hits? Even though it might be "clean" with little leakage, there are low end resonances that could be lingering on these kick tracks that confuse the triggering engine.. I'd assume that messing with the sensitivity and retrigger and maybe a touch of hi pass could fix it, but you'll have to post the track.

Some Transient waveforms are very odd and develop what looks like two transients although it sounds like one.. sometimes the decay of a kick drum can have a resonance build up which can make TRIGGER think there is another transient (on the wrong settings of course!).

But like alex said, we'll not know the real answer until you post. Lasse had an interesting drum track with a lot of noise that was causing poor triggering due to a too-low sensitivity setting. It was easily fixed. Perhaps the same will happen for Viking and InAbsentia's tracks too. Hopefully we'll find out, because on behalf of the TRIGGER team, we are committed to making this thing the best if it isn't already.

Dude :kickass: Awesome!

That is exactly the answer I was looking for and something I hadn't yet considered. Of course that would make sense as far as what you said about resonance build up and such. I'll try high passing the kicks next time I'm going through some and see if that makes a difference. While I'm not sure 100% if that is the root / solution to the problem, it id definitely worth checkin into. Unfortunately, much like Lasse, this was something I noticed a few weeks ago while buried balls deep in a project and since then have rendered all my new drum tracks however, the very next project I work on 1st thing I'll do is my usual setup. If I notice any weirdness at that point I'll try the high pass on the kick before Trigger to see if that solves it. If not, I'll seek help from you guys

Again, I really hope I wasn't coming across like an asshole. I, and I'm pretty sure 99% of us here are more than appreciative and grateful to you, Alex and the rest of your team for workin with us and helping us out
Even though Trigger let me down on my first project in which I ran it, I must give Slate a big fucking pat on the back for helping us newbies out here. I've never seen such customer support, ever. Picture Steve Jobs on a forum helping out iPhone 4 users, not happening.

I'm going to mess around with the settings you suggested Steve, if I have no luck I'll bother you with my track here. One thing is for sure though, this certainly beats Drumagog IMO.
Is there a user manual for Trigger? Shouldn't these setting issues be covered in that? ;)

Yup they are, the manual is quite good and is definitely essential reading for this plug. The interface is deceivingly simple, there's lots of really good tips in the manual that are important for accurate results. There's a lot more to it than making sure it simply catches the hits!
The manual is really good if you like reading...but i would really like if Slate digital did a "real life situation video tutorial" for the popular daws. kind of like the one audiomidi did, but an "in depth" one. The one that's on the plugin's website is pretty useless (specially the instrument maker part at the very end)

im sure a very well explained video tutorial will save lots of threads like this one.
We are going to do more videos, but none will help as much as realworld USE with the plugin. The problem is if we show you how to set it for a particular track, those settings may not apply to the track you are working on.

So getting an overall knowledge of how the controls affect the triggering performance is the best thing. But yeah we'll knock out the vids this month.