Slate Samples/Phase....just wow

Sorry for the hijack. Steven, is there going to be a trigger update to get proper sidechaining in pro tools?
Messing about with aux's for leakage suppression is quite a pain in the arse compared to how quick and easy it would be using the key input.
Unfortunately the key input will not be easier. To use the Leakage Suppression you need to send to TRIGGER the original signal, not triggered. But if you have Snare track with TRIGGER on it and Kick track with TRIGGER on it and you using Kick track as key input, PT will send to TRIGGER, which on snare track the triggered Kick signal. This will make Leakage Suppression less effective, because it will suppress on Snare track only triggered Kick hits, but not other noises from kick drum track.

So the current way of Leakage Suppression is the most flexible, because you can control every track you sending for suppression, and you can process those tracks. For instance, sometimes I sending to suppression not only Kick and Tom tracks, but HiHat (for Snare tracks with very loud HH bleeds) as well. And usually I process HH track with 1500 hz HP and doing some hard limiting.

Also the current way of Leakage Suppression can be done in same way in most hosts. So I can easily move project from PT to Cubase.
why dont you just duplicate the tracks and put trigger on the new tracks and send the original tracks as the key inputs to trigger?
thats what ive been doing with this elaborate work around.
gonna try this later today.
it's a pity I can't remember which songs it where that had the most massive problems.
cause some of that clearly wasn't a matter of settings.

Please if you will have any problems with triggering tracks with TRIGGER in future, just post your track (or some parts of tracks) and I show the optimal settings. Every day I triggering a lot of drum tracks and TRIGGER perfectly handles every track.

BTW, it'll be even great if you can post some tracks (but I still don't believe that such tracks exists))), which TRIGGER can't handle, because we can use these tracks to improve TRIGGER :lol:
I think that was my bad. :(

nah, I told you to do it like that, in cubase that's still the best way.
and since I replaced with aptrigga it didn't cause any problems. All good ;)

why dont you just duplicate the tracks and put trigger on the new tracks and send the original tracks as the key inputs to trigger?

exactly, still much easier than fannying about with groups etc
so highering that paramater allowed it to only trigger the drum tracks. :)

"highering"? Really? :D

I'm really hoping to see my johnson in the thread title..

There's a lot of ways that could be rolled into a thread title, not all of them good

Back on topic ... I'm gonna try to replicate the problem I was having with odd hits here and there being like 10 ms off from everything else, sometimes ahead, sometimes behind, when triggered from a clean track. If it does, I'll PM you the file and my setting to see if there is something that can be done. I'm on PT LE on PC

I hate typing that
What version of TRIGGER do you using? My 1.6.2 doesn't crashing Reaper if iLok is not connected. It just shows a splash screen about plugin purchasing like every iLoked plugin. I tried it right now. AU version on MAC Reaper and VST on WIN Reaper. Oh, and what version of Reaper do you using? =)

Trigger 1.62 on Reaper 3.66 on Intel Mac running OS X 10.6.2... This is using the VST version.

Here's a screen capture...
This was quite an entertaining thread.

Sorry for going just slightly off topic, but I was wondering if you guys think TRIGGER would be a worthwhile investment for me?
I use Logic 9 and usually edit untight drums so since I spend time quantizing and detecting transients. Then I can just use the built in audio to midi conversion and then use the sampler to trigger my own samples and not really worry about phase issues.
So other than getting some great Slate samples is TRIGGER worth it for most of my projects?
Obviously it would probably save me time on tight performances where I don't have to detect transients and edit but I just can't seem to decide if it's worth the cost for those rare occasions :D
Any insights or suggestions?
Trigger for me is an invaluable tool. While I don't have a big pro studio, I do a lot of recording of local bands and it saves me boatloads of time! Not only that but with I don't think There is a drum sound on it I haven't used somewhere on some project since I bought it the week it came out. Though the Panty drums from the metal pack are not my taste I still used them on a project
So I have Trigger now. Mishit galore, I'm also getting the 10ms delay thing here and there. Using REAPER.
So if we've learned anything by this thread folks, it's that BEFORE YOU PANIC.. Mess with the settings. LEARN the plugin. The plugin is just a tool, but YOU are the engineer.

Remember in PT LE, every track you put TRIGGER on has to be moved 11ms to be in time with the original drums because PT LE does not have latency compensation.

Remember if you hvae a dirty track, to use TRIGGERs controls to optimize the settings.. Like the Hipass, the sensitivity, the retrigger, the leakage suppression..

InAbsentia please post your track so we can help you out. We'll do this all day for you guys, its no problem. But the more you pay attention to the first two sentences of this post, the less you'll need from us, I promise.
So if we've learned anything by this thread folks, it's that BEFORE YOU PANIC.. Mess with the settings. LEARN the plugin. The plugin is just a tool, but YOU are the engineer.

Remember in PT LE, every track you put TRIGGER on has to be moved 11ms to be in time with the original drums because PT LE does not have latency compensation.

Remember if you hvae a dirty track, to use TRIGGERs controls to optimize the settings.. Like the Hipass, the sensitivity, the retrigger, the leakage suppression..

InAbsentia please post your track so we can help you out. We'll do this all day for you guys, its no problem. But the more you pay attention to the first two sentences of this post, the less you'll need from us, I promise.

Hey Steve

not trying to sound like a dick here but you keep repeating the same thing about the PTLE stuff .. move the track up 11 ms, carefully triggering from dirty tracks ... I get that, I'm familiar enough with plugin delay and such on that system

what you keep NOT mentioning is why it might mistrigger RANDOM hits throughout a song anywhere from 5 - 14ms, sometimes BEHIND, sometimes AHEAD of the original. I'll find spots with 3000 superfast double kick hits in a row and the 17th, 30th, & 56th hit will be off by various amounts, ahead or behind, from all the others. Keep in mind this would be replacing an already clean kick drum track. There is no extra shit at the beginning of a sample used an obviously no extra noise to cause a false hit or a hit in the wrong place.

I know your answers are not pertaining to my situation alone, its just something I keep repeating, others have repeated but you haven't actually addressed those specific inconsistencies

Again man, not trying to sound rude or anything like that. Compared to drumagog, I'm very happy with the whole of your plugin. Its just annoying when little things like that happen and force me to zero in and scrutinize every kick hit because yes, I can hear when its not lined up properly

If its my settings, fine .. but why would the settings I'm using work for 2997 of the kick drum hits in a solid double bass part and not on the last 3?
Hi Viking, good post.

And the answer, is that I think it IS still a settings issue. So your question is why does it trigger 1000 hits perfectly and then mistrigger 3 random hits? Even though it might be "clean" with little leakage, there are low end resonances that could be lingering on these kick tracks that confuse the triggering engine.. I'd assume that messing with the sensitivity and retrigger and maybe a touch of hi pass could fix it, but you'll have to post the track.

Some Transient waveforms are very odd and develop what looks like two transients although it sounds like one.. sometimes the decay of a kick drum can have a resonance build up which can make TRIGGER think there is another transient (on the wrong settings of course!).

But like alex said, we'll not know the real answer until you post. Lasse had an interesting drum track with a lot of noise that was causing poor triggering due to a too-low sensitivity setting. It was easily fixed. Perhaps the same will happen for Viking and InAbsentia's tracks too. Hopefully we'll find out, because on behalf of the TRIGGER team, we are committed to making this thing the best if it isn't already.
still I'm convinced that settings cannot be responsible for the samples getting later and later throughout the song ;)
but as I said, as long as I can't post that track I'm not gonna complain about it anymore
In case it was missed, the Reaper/iLok crash bug...

Thanks. I'll check this.

still I'm convinced that settings cannot be responsible for the samples getting later and later throughout the song ;)
but as I said, as long as I can't post that track I'm not gonna complain about it anymore

Actually that would be great if you can find this track and post, because if TRIGGER can't handle it, we can improve our product. If TRIGGER can handle it, then I'll just post a screenshot with settings :)