Slate Samples/Phase....just wow

Except that I'm using a PPC G5 that is from like 04-05 and having absolutely zero issues with TRIGGER whatsoever, let alone these phase issues. The common denominator even Lasse himself pointed out was ProTools. And I think MetalSound uses a Windows machine, but he must have a magic version of Windows that has never had an update, so he's in a diff league apparently...
Do you use Windows by any chance? Or ANYTHING that has ever been updated over the course of each version? If so - SHUT THE FUCK UP. Fuck.

wow, you seem to be a very nice person.
maybe you should take a look at the basic rules. you´ve been here for so long so just watch your tone. you are in the recording business so you should know it´s the tone that matters.

It's actually really simple and basic....
you can voice your opinion about everything you want, but do it within reason...everyone on this forum wants to get better and eventually become a pro, so let's act like pros!
If you critique something (be it a band, software or a person's work), do it in a professional way. DO NOT post with the intention to insult people personally.
Insults will not be tolerated here! some respect to the old-timers who made the forum great and are still supplying lots of info and insight.
And I think MetalSound uses a Windows machine, but he must have a magic version of Windows that has never had an update, so he's in a diff league apparently...

yup its called Windowed "hurr durr" edition. Its specifically tailored to run just like a Mac and get you the tone of your dreams by having built in Sturgis Pod, Slate and Sneap Drums and Craked Waves Plugins ;)
wow, you seem to be a very nice person.
maybe you should take a look at the basic rules. you´ve been here for so long so just watch your tone. you are in the recording business so you should know it´s the tone that matters.

Maybe he's just tired of seeing you show up and bitch. Everyone has seen your thread at this point and your aggression towards Slate keeps appearing in other threads as well. It's one thing to be upset about something not working for you, but at this point it's clear you have some sort of a vendetta against the guy. You said you got a refund so get the fuck over it. :cry: Don't quote rules asking you to act like a pro and be respectful when you're acting like a child.

Also for the minority that are having issues... remember you are the minority. If it's working great for 99% of the people out there but not you then clearly the issue has something to do with a kink in your system that differs from 99% of the other users out there. I can understand the frustration but as you can see in this thread Slate is trying to help. I don't know what other software you have but this is the only owner I see ever that jumps into places like forums and tries to help on spot. Nothing is perfect. There will never be software that is 100% perfect on every system out there and it is unreasonable to expect it to. What you should be happy about is the fact that someone from the company is taking an active interest in your issue and trying to fix it as opposed to a lot of other companies that would just let you sit until and update comes out some day.. or doesn't. Software is code that reacts to input. If you have one song that's perfect and another acting weird... well the code's still the same so clearly you've introduced a variable somewhere. Perhaps another plug-in is conflicting with it... maybe your computer is having a hard time handling, maybe god is punishing you for all the tranny porn etc etc etc. Either accept the help and move towards resolution or don't and then don't complain when it still doesn't work to you.
First of all, there is no more beta testing with TRIGGER. It works dudes. On PPC as well.. we got a PPC running the exact same system (PT HD 8.02) as Lasse and I can't get TRIGGER to do anything but give me tight results. There could be something weird with Lasse's system or PT system or maybe he needs to trash some preferences... anyway, I can't help unless he gives me a track he had problems with so I can check it out. Then assuming I find a great setting, I can send him this setting for TRIGGER. If it doesn't work on his system, then we know there is a mysterious system issue and we can look into it. If it does work on his system, then it was a settings issue. I don't understand why this is a problem. If you bought it, wouldn't you like to figure out whats up? I'll bet my pants its either a very specific system issue or settings issue, and I'd honestly like to fix it for you.

For instance, if your track has tons of low end rumble and your not hipassing, it'll fuck with the triggering algo.. I dunno, I haven't heard the track.

But I can say with 100% assurance, that TRIGGER is the absolute tightest drum replacer on the market, and I'm here to help with anyone who has problems. Also, make sure you have the latest version 1.62 (sign in to the users area).
First of all, there is no more beta testing with TRIGGER. It works dudes. On PPC as well.. we got a PPC running the exact same system (PT HD 8.02) as Lasse and I can't get TRIGGER to do anything but give me tight results. There could be something weird with Lasse's system or PT system or maybe he needs to trash some preferences... anyway, I can't help unless he gives me a track he had problems with so I can check it out. Then assuming I find a great setting, I can send him this setting for TRIGGER. If it doesn't work on his system, then we know there is a mysterious system issue and we can look into it. If it does work on his system, then it was a settings issue. I don't understand why this is a problem. If you bought it, wouldn't you like to figure out whats up? I'll bet my pants its either a very specific system issue or settings issue, and I'd honestly like to fix it for you.

For instance, if your track has tons of low end rumble and your not hipassing, it'll fuck with the triggering algo.. I dunno, I haven't heard the track.

But I can say with 100% assurance, that TRIGGER is the absolute tightest drum replacer on the market, and I'm here to help with anyone who has problems. Also, make sure you have the latest version 1.62 (sign in to the users area).

Can't say fairer than that really. That's exactly how I would (and have in the past) diagnose a BFD2 issue, or a Guru one, etc...
But I can say with 100% assurance, that TRIGGER is the absolute tightest drum replacer on the market

you sure about that?

but that offset is not what's bothering me...aptrigga has an offset sometimes, but then it's always by the same amount, so I can just slide the entire track and every hit is spot on.
With Trigger IF there's an offset (as I said, it works great 99% of the time) it's always by a varying amount of time, so every single hit has to be checked by hand...I can only assume that this might be because of Trigger trying to be in phase and reads the phase wrong from some trigger tracks? don't know.
not saying trigger isn't tight (even on my system it's really tight 99% of the time), but sentences like the one quoted above sound weird (to me at least) when they can be proven wrong that easily.
in this case the triggertrack was as clean as it can get...just the sample was a rather difficult one...
aptrigga just spits it out as soon as it sees the trigger-spike coming the samples might be too late or too early, but always by the same amount....trigger tries to get the sample in phase for every hit (which is a nice idea), but with some samples or some triggers (piezo) it might not be that easy to "read" the phase, hence the offset?
just a guess, but that might perhaps be the cause, dunno.

I appreciate you trying to help though, I understand that with all the different systems and combination of software etc troubleshooting can be difficult sometimes

EDIT: I have TRIGGER v1.6, didn't know about 1.62, gonna download it now.
but since apparently my problem doesn't exist I doubt that 1.62 includes a bugfix for it

not a problem, just an observation/question..
I've noticed that the samples on the printed tracks are far lower in volume than the actual sample used to create the TCI (even if the input trigger is peaking at the very top), why is that?
as I said, not a problem at all, just wondering
sample volume prints are according to your volume settings in TRIGGER.. I wasn't aware that 99% of the time TRIGGER is working accurately, now this at least makes more sense (I previously thought you meant every hit was off).. the problematic hit is probably a weird hit with some low end rumble or weirdness somehow, so it would take editing the original hit (like copying a better hit over it) or it might need some type of automation in TRIGGER.. or it might just need a better static TRIGGER setting. Load up the track and mess with the settings to see which one nails the problem hit.
k, thanks.

here's a really easy one:
it's a cleaned up track, so if it works anywhere it should definitely work here:

should be an easy job

this is not from one of the really bad projects but still 5-10 hits were off I think last time I tried trigger on this track.
I'll gladly try your settings on this one and see if it really can get anywhere near the tightness aptrigga provided for this track.
and just to be clear: I'm not hoping to see trigger fail, I'm loving trigger (apart from those phase issues) and I would be delighted to be able to actually use it.


awesome! my guy alex will dig in here and download it and find the perfect setting and will repost!
cool, thanks.

will probably one of the easiest tracks he ever works with...I doubt there are many people demanding trigger tracks as clean as I do ;).
(got used to doing it like this cause aptrigga handles bleed not as good as trigger does)
OMG! That screenshot above is really horrible! I can't understand how you got this result. I just triggered the track you've posted on default settings (just set Sens to 10, see picture below about why I set it to 10.). And I got 100% accurate result.

The whole file is too long, so right now I post the first 30 seconds of triggered track and TRIGGER settings.

Give me some time to check every hit on this huge track and I'll post results for the whole track. Also I can post PT session for you, if you want.

This is the link to triggered WAV:

This is the picture about why I set Sens to 10. You just cleaned this track, but kept a lot of unnecessary noise before some hits (like hit on picture). So on such hits TRIGGER may put triggered hits ahead of original on high Sens values. Thats why I set it to 10.


Yes. It's Reaper. I love this host, because it's so useful for fast things (like trigger someone's track). Just open it, drag track, insert TRIGGER, render, compare =)

BTW, the first 30 seconds from Lasse's track I triggered with TRIGGER in 15 seconds using Reaper. And then spent 15 minutes to compare every single hit. OMG! It'll take all my day to compare the whole 9 minutes :lol:
Just tried to make PT session. All works fine. TRIGGER is very accurate.

Lasse, can you post a screenshot of your TRIGGER seetings? I'll try your settings.