Slate Samples/Phase....just wow

By the way, if you guys ever get the Trigger wavs out to those of us who have requested it like promised, then those of us who use SSD could just go and replace the wavs with the re-cut Trigger versions...

This is all I can think about right now - if the old samples were fucked up, and the new, re-cut ones are good... can we please have them?
This is all I can think about right now - if the old samples were fucked up, and the new, re-cut ones are good... can we please have them?

Yeah, actually if the SSD samples are really that badly cut, then I say ALL SSD users should get the new samples in an update, but we all know that would never happen...
yeah! Look, I'm not a current customer, but that's a pretty bad mistake right there. If Slate has acknowledge the issue of badly cut samples, and they have been redone to CORRECT the issue, then it's not a matter of choice upgrades etc. This is a FIX for a known issue, this definitely should be a free update for people! That's pretty ridiculous! I'm still surprised no one has checked this earlier! Was it simply taken in good faith that Slate was precise with the cuts initially?
The bad samples were fixed, its called 3.0 and then 3.5. Man you guys got your guns blazing for me today. For TRIGGER the only thing that was slightly improved was a few SSD room predelays which will also be available in the next version of SSD Deluxe.

Lasse posted samples from what appears to be 2.0, again, years old and outdated. All edits are super tight from 3.0 and on.

My mistake, kick9 is ACkick.. sorry.

I'll look in to the TRIGGER thing but from what my programmers told me those forum guys were taken care of via PM and has issues with settings. Lasse can you just post a track you had issues with? I just played with TRIGGER on some SHIT tracks and it lined up perfectly, even the ghosts.
Not gunning at all Steven. You have your head on right and are trying to make good products. But the ideas and good will still have the end result to fall on and there's always going to be bugs etc. You only specified that the WAV's were changed for TRIGGER and didn't specify 3.0, 3.5 being fixed so fair enough. You make assumptions from the knowledge you are presented and that's all that's happened here. And it's obvious that the growth and changes over time in your company elude even your fine self. It happens. All that matters is that the issue gets fixed.

Lasse, it's obvious you want to hope for the best from this product, and if you do believe in it, then I would say just roll with it. Slate's offering to try and help, so to hell with it :p Just post up the clip, there may be a fix for you after all dude :)
I think you're being a bit too hard on Slate here. The cuts aren't the best, he knows about it and it should be fixed immediately for all people who purchased the product if the problems still exist. If it's been 'super tight' since 3.0 onwards, that's fair enough. I've been hearing nothing but things about phase/mis hit issues with Trigger though.
I've been hearing nothing but things about phase/mis hit issues with Trigger though.

Where? Lasse is about the only one I can think of or have noticed, and I certainly don't have these kinds of issues with Trigger.
Man, we get flooded with emails from everyone and their mother about how tight TRIGGER is. Guys like the mighty Andy Sneap to Justin Neibank who is mixing the new Taylor Swift have been super stoked about TRIGGER's accuracy.

Really, if you have problems, post em! I'm here. I'll help ya out!

Check out the reviews for TRIGGER in Computer Music, SOS, Electronic Musician.. these guys dug into the plugin hard, and all came up with the same result.. TRIGGER is tighter then a (put dirty end of phrase here).

So, I dare anyone to post a drum track.. I'm so sure TRIGGER will do its thing with 100% phase accuracy. TRY ME.

Most issues we've come across were system specific issues like:

- if you are in PT LE without ADC
- if you change your buffer size and don't reinitiate the plugin
- if you have ADC off in PT HD

So lets play stump the TRIGGER.. :)

And just to reiterate whats been said, my samples have been finely chopped since 2008!
Can't say I have them either. There is sometimes one errant hit, like once or twice across a whole record, but it's nothing atrocious, and can be easily picked because the drum loses all its bottom end.
Where? Lasse is about the only one I can think of or have noticed, and I certainly don't have these kinds of issues with Trigger.

Oh man, I don't want to badmouth it or anything. I love SSD and Slate's stuff. It's just that there were a couple of threads on here a while ago, I think Lasse linked to them on the last page. Three of my friends who use SSD on occasion didn't like it much either due to phase problems.

I'm not saying that's -all- i've heard. I just haven't seen a 'Trigger is awesome' thread but I've seen many 'Trigger was disappointing' threads in comparison, which I guess isn't really enough to pass judgment on it. I'm sure it's fucking awesome like the other Slate products.
Really. Go to gearslutz, lots of TRIGGER is awesome chanting there. I've also seen quite a few lads here give TRIGGER praises. Overall its an extremely well reviewed product which works as promised.. if you can prove otherwise, do it now.

For Europe folks, check out Computer Music's review which gives it 10 out of 10 and raves about its accuracy and leakage suppression.. to prove they aren't all thumbs up for everyone, the next page gives a devastating review for another drum replacement product..

Dunno who your friends are but I'd be interested to hear how SSD was phasing? What is there to phase, SSD is not a live kit so nothing can be out of phase with each other. Never once until this thread heard about phase problems with SSD, but maybe you mean something else?

Cue more happy TRIGGER users... :)
Man, we get flooded with emails from everyone and their mother about how tight TRIGGER is. Guys like the mighty Andy Sneap to Justin Neibank who is mixing the new Taylor Swift have been super stoked about TRIGGER's accuracy.

Really, if you have problems, post em! I'm here. I'll help ya out!

Check out the reviews for TRIGGER in Computer Music, SOS, Electronic Musician.. these guys dug into the plugin hard, and all came up with the same result.. TRIGGER is tighter then a (put dirty end of phrase here).

So, I dare anyone to post a drum track.. I'm so sure TRIGGER will do its thing with 100% phase accuracy. TRY ME.

Most issues we've come across were system specific issues like:

- if you are in PT LE without ADC
- if you change your buffer size and don't reinitiate the plugin
- if you have ADC off in PT HD

So lets play stump the TRIGGER.. :)

And just to reiterate whats been said, my samples have been finely chopped since 2008!

I havent tried Trigger yet, but im running on PT LE, does it not work right with PT LE?
you just to shove the drum track to be sampled 11ms forward because of the lack of ADC.. works fine if you do that :)
yeah, I can understand Slate that he can't help me by just guessing, my problem is that the problem doesn't occur in every project and I don't remember accurately which one for example was a problematic I'd have to unarchive my recently finished projects, try to find one that was difficult for trigger, print it, take screenshots, upload tracks, waitfor a reply, try it again, re-evaluate, check, upload screenshots and stuff again...
Sorry and thanks for the offer but I have rent to pay and deadlines to meet, I just have to use a plugin that works, I don't have time to be an unpaid part of the development team atm.
That's about the only grime I have with trigger (well, and the sidechaining, but I've been told that's gonna be fixed soon), other than that I agree that trigger is awesome....
so if I had to review it and tested in on a system that's not having these phase issues I'd as well give it a rave review...
I know already that it's working great on 95% of the computers/DAWs, so of course it's getting great reviews from those guys, I'm not saying they're wrong....but it doesn't fix the problem some of us users have.

The dilemma is:
I appreciate your offer to help if I post all the tracks etc, but I can't afford to help you guys troubleshoot, I'd rather use a replacer that works on my system.
so all I can do is wait till someone else with this problem on a similar system finds the time to do it, and then wait for the update that fixes this issue.

If I'm completely wrong and Trigger works fine on my system, then that'd mean I'm just too stupid to adjust the settings-PEBKAC..well, in that case it's not a plugin for me anyways.
I'll wait and hope.

About the samples: I dowloaded the latest versions, if you say the snare I picked randomly in this screenshot isn't even part of the latest versions of the sample packs, then that explains why this one wasn't fixed.....
I'll try one of the other kicks later and see how they look.
yeah, I can understand Slate that he can't help me by just guessing, my problem is that the problem doesn't occur in every project and I don't remember accurately which one for example was a problematic I'd have to unarchive my recently finished projects, try to find one that was difficult for trigger, print it, take screenshots, upload tracks, waitfor a reply, try it again, re-evaluate, check, upload screenshots and stuff again...
Sorry and thanks for the offer but I have rent to pay and deadlines to meet, I just have to use a plugin that works, I don't have time to be an unpaid part of the development team atm.
That's about the only grime I have with trigger (well, and the sidechaining, but I've been told that's gonna be fixed soon), other than that I agree that trigger is awesome....
so if I had to review it and tested in on a system that's not having these phase issues I'd as well give it a rave review...
I know already that it's working great on 95% of the computers/DAWs, so of course it's getting great reviews from those guys, I'm not saying they're wrong....but it doesn't fix the problem some of us users have.

The dilemma is:
I appreciate your offer to help if I post all the tracks etc, but I can't afford to help you guys troubleshoot, I'd rather use a replacer that works on my system.
so all I can do is wait till someone else with this problem on a similar system finds the time to do it, and then wait for the update that fixes this issue.

If I'm completely wrong and Trigger works fine on my system, then that'd mean I'm just too stupid to adjust the settings-PEBKAC..well, in that case it's not a plugin for me anyways.
I'll wait and hope.

About the samples: I dowloaded the latest versions, if you say the snare I picked randomly in this screenshot isn't even part of the latest versions of the sample packs, then that explains why this one wasn't fixed.....
I'll try one of the other kicks later and see how they look.

I understand your dilemma Lasse. And it's obvious you're a good example that this product, just like most, isn't for everyone. Fair enough. I think the decision is up to you whether or not you wish to pursue a solution to your issue, but then again, it's obvious time = money and this may just fall in the back etc. Either way, I think Slate's making the genuine effort to help you and fix this, but, and I mean this in every respect. Some of these people, who are on the higher end, and really don't have the time to piss fart around, may just not bother if bugs, fixes etc continue for too long.

It's the nature of the beast. There were bugs when it was released, and a fair few people on here, a few with steady and constant paying work flow, have essentially been beta testers. Many were happy to put aside the time to put Trigger through it's paces even with all going on, and even provided screenshots etc so that you could try to fix them.

This forum has definitely put in a lot of effort too, as we are generally big fans of your work Steve, so it's understandable that someone like Lasse is quick to give up and move on.
This doesn't help you lasse, but I've been using Trigger in: Studio One, Logic 9, Reaper, and occasionally Ableton Live. I've not noticed any phase issues in any project I've got.

The only thing I *did* notice is that for a recent track, one snare hit was being picked up by trigger and creating a flam. And it seemed to require really crazy settings to get it to play right. But I just automated trigger a little, and used the values that worked.
I don't understand how posting the track you are having issues with should take time out of your project, but if you don't want to post it (or send it), its your decision. I have yet to see a drum track that TRIGGER didn't nail, but I'm more then willing to admit defeat if it comes my way. But we're batting 1000 as far as that goes. My guys have nailed every track sent to them, with the right settings of course. If you there is some kind of system issue, I'd be eager to find out about it. I run PT HD on a Mac and TRIGGER works flawlessly, even on severly fucked up drum tracks.

I'm here to help, take me up on it if you so desire :)
I have Platinum 3.5 and Trigger and I'm not having any phase issues. I've never had issues layering in 3.5 and now with trigger I've been doing some retarded stuff just to see what it's capable of and had zero problems. Hell I've been sample replacing me beating on a desk lol. Left hand mic is kick right is snare. If there were trim issues I surely would have heard them by now, no? Slate already explained that these are from 2.0. Seriously though while he's being attacked here, have you guys thought about this... if the samples were the problem why are so many of us not having issues? Out of phase samples are out of phase samples, DAW shouldn't matter unless something is happening in there outside of the slate stuff. In any case dude is always straightforward and helping out so you might put those flamethrowers away.
I don't understand how posting the track you are having issues with should take time out of your project

cause with the phase issues Trigger is useless for me, that means I'm not using it in my projects, I DID try it in some projects and while it worked in some it didn't work in others...
so I wasn't using it.
so what I would have to do is to go back to the last project (which is archived already), try to find which songs/projects it were that caused trigger to have hickups, print, upload....
THAT'S why it would take time.

My guys have nailed every track sent to them, with the right settings of course.

I believe that, doesn't help me on my system though.
UNLESS it''s really because I'm too stupid to operate your plugin, in that case it'd be in vain anyways, cause I'd have the same problem on the next project again.

I'm here to help, take me up on it if you so desire :)

thanks for that though, appreciated

... if the samples were the problem why are so many of us not having issues? Out of phase samples are out of phase samples.

the samples aren't the problem, Trigger is doing the same with "outside" samples.

and again it's nice to hear that it works on your system, I know already that trigger works on 99% of the systems, it doesn't work on mine, so unless you're running a PPC with PTHD8.01 and osx 10.5.x your experience doesn't help.
I'm definitely not bashing Slate or his product (well, I know my first post was a tad aggressive, but I didn't mean to offend anyone).
I don't care how awesome it works on other systems....
it all boils down to two possibilities:

1: Trigger is really not working on my system like it should:
solution: I have to help the developers fixing a product that I paid for and that should have been working in the first thanks

2.: I'm too stupid to operate a plugin (and I like to believe that I'm rather smart, although I can understand that this would be the favoured option for the company)
solution: I can't use this plugin cause I'm too stupid.

so what am I doing now?
nothing, I believe that in this case the first possibility is true, so I'm sitting back and hoping for other customers who have the same issues with trigger on Mac PPC/PT (and they are there) to send slate tracks...then eventually there'll be an update to fx it..THEN I start using this plugin.