Slayer - Divine Intervention


Nov 6, 2002
Why do Slayer fans say things like "Seasons In The Abyss" is the last good Slayer album? I thought Divine Intervention was pretty good but it goes off with out being noticed. It sounds like Seasons In The Abyss with those atmospheric parts but it's more speedier and punkish. It's different from the straight aggression of Reign In Blood but I still love it. Thoughts?
now, this is off-topic slightly but still on track with slayer, does anyone else think that Tom's voice has gotten kinda annoying, after watching the Live on the Battlefield (i think thats what it is) his voice really irritates me. I love slayer but i can't listen to their newer stuff too much because his voice gets on my nerves.

anyone else think this?
Spirit In Black said:
It has nothing special that their earlier albums had, it has its moments but it isn't great start to finish like all their previous releases....including Show No Mercy
For some reason I don't like Show No Mercy as much as their other albums up though Seasons in the Abyss. Maybe it is the production or the vocals on that particular album; it doesn't sound as agressive, and it doesn't sound like thrash. Is that the cover to the upcoming Suffocation CD in your sig?
Life Sucks said:
For some reason I don't like Show No Mercy as much as their other albums up though Seasons in the Abyss. Maybe it is the production or the vocals on that particular album; it doesn't sound as agressive, and it doesn't sound like thrash. Is that the cover to the upcoming Suffocation CD in your sig?
I like Show No Mercy........the production reminds me of Kill em All, although the echo vocal sound is a put off.......there are some really good songs on that cd though.

Yeah it is suposedly the cover for the new Suffocation cd.......I think it's a Dan Seagrave's cover
Divine intervention is one of my favorite Slayer. I guess that I am the only fan that finds every fuckin cd real metal. Diabolus I can see, maybe you could talk shit about about god hates us all, but divine inter.... ????????? why??? Then what the fuck do you like? Slayer is the best live, yeah, well there getting old but they are still fucking SLAYER!!!!!!!!!

Die by the sword
Well, no. The prospect of watching a big fat manbear penetrate the anus of a vacuous cretin isn't particularly appealing to me. The knowledge that it has happened would be rather satisfying, though.
This coming from a person who has 'hard' and 'side' in their name.

I can make completely irrelevant statements too.

Bubgirl isn't my avatar to symbolise anything, nor did I choose it over Tubgirl for censorship reasons. I just put it there because I thought people might find it attractive.
And you know we do...

Divine was alright. Killing Fields and Dittohead kick ass.

I can see how it's predictable to fans of the previous albums, though. I just love how Bostaph totally owns Lombardo on DI, though...
Its a good record, but in context and expression Id say Hell Awaits, Show No MErcy ( cuz it was so original when it came out), REign in Blood, and South of Heaven are superior records. I do agre its every bit as good as Seasons though.