Rank Slayer's albums

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I get very few nods when I say Show No Mercy is Slayer's best, heh. Nice change of pace.
Dodens Grav said:
What the fuck kind of idiot would think that Haunting The Chapel doesn't count just because it's not a full-length album? It's not like it's even remotely rare, so that's sure as hell not it. And listening to Haunting The Chapel won't get you very far in terms of coolness, since most people only know Reign In Blood. For me, Slayer is extremely overrated in every possible aspect except when it comes to Show No Mercy, one of my favorite albums of all time.

Everybody should heed these wise words!
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I prefer Diabolus to Hell Awaits, which is just noisy rather than well written.

Hell Awaits not well written? It's their best written, and most complex album(yes, complex with Slayer). Lots of time changes, and greats riffs. Very well written, and like someone said earlier, you have to look past the production, which isn't that bad, really.

1.Hell Awaits
2.Reign In Blood
3.Show No Mercy
4.Seasons In The Abyss
5.South Of Heaven
6.Divine Intervention
7.God Hates Us All
8.Diabolus In Musica
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Dodens Grav said:
What the fuck kind of idiot would think that Haunting The Chapel doesn't count just because it's not a full-length album?
Er, well the original post asked for people to vote for their favourite ALBUMS.
Who's the idiot? Why don't you read the entire thread before posting, stupid?
I don't mean to make you look stupid now, but you do realize that when people say 'albums,' they don't mean full-lengths only? It's just become another term for 'releases.' It's standard, and it's ridiculously obvious that it's implied in this topic, as the thread creator himself included Haunting The Chapel in his list.

So let's try this again:

Who's the idiot?
That would be you.

Why don't you read the entire thread before posting, stupid?
Yes, why don't you read the entire thread before posting, stupid? If you did, you would've noticed that the thread creator intended for Haunting The Chapel to be included.
Not ranking live albums, like someone said the important ones.

1. Reign In Blood
2. Seasons In The Abyss
3. Divine Intervention
4. South of Heaven
5. Show No Mercy
6. Hell Awaits
7. Haunting The Chapel E.P

On Haunting The Chapel is still is an album, just because it has less songs and is an E.P. That does not mean it is not an album. What is it than an apple or something ?

What is it ?
1- Seasons in the Abyss
2- Reign in Blood
3- South of Heaven
4- Show No Mercy
5- Hell Awaits
6- Divine Intervention
7- Diabolus in Musica
8- God Hates Us All
Dodens Grav said:
I don't mean to make you look stupid now, but you do realize that when people say 'albums,' they don't mean full-lengths only? It's just become another term for 'releases.' .

According to my dictionary - "Album" means "long playing record, CD or cassette". Do you know what a dictionary is?

So why aren't we including every fucking thing Slayer have ever released? Do 7" singles count as albums? They do according to your flawed logic.
My favourite "albums" of all time -

"Hey Jude" by The Beatles.
"No Sleep Til Brooklyn" by the Beastie Boys
"Bohemian Rhapsody" is the best album ever!!!
"Armed and Dangerous" is Anthrax best album.

On the other hand, fuck off, nobnose.
I just want to point out that Reign In Blood, being 28 minutes long, is technically not an LP. OOH SPORK IN THE GEARS.

With that out of the way:

1. Hell Awaits
2. South of Heaven
3. Seasons In the Abyss
4. Haunting the Chapel
5. Show No Mercy
6. Reign In Blood
7. The one with the crap punk covers
8. Something gay and mallcore
9. Something gay and mallcore
10. Something gay and mallcore
I'm ashamed of you, Pyrus. You should know that Show No Mercy is their best.
1. regin in blood and south of hevean
2. sesons in the abyss
3. show no mercy
4. G.H.U.A.
5. haunting the chapel
6. undisputed attitude
all the others are real good these are the ones that stand out most
:rock: SLAYER RULES FOREVER :rock:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TakinTheMusicBack said:
How the fuck is a four track EP being ranked as an album?
Dunno, maybe because the songs on it are some of Slayer's best ever -- which makes the EP far better as a release than some of the more recent stuff...
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