Sleep paralysis/False awakenings

I feel so smart and advanced and better than everyone else!! Yay meeeeeeeeeee!!!!

And Brooks too!
not really sure about sleep paralysis, but i often have lucid dreams... or at least, i'll be dreaming and then i'll realize that i'm dreaming. it's only ever when something really horribly is happening (i'm gonna get killed or raped or my family is being attacked or something) that i realize "hey! i'm dreaming! i can open my eyes and i'll just be in bed!"
not really sure about sleep paralysis, but i often have lucid dreams... or at least, i'll be dreaming and then i'll realize that i'm dreaming. it's only ever when something really horribly is happening (i'm gonna get killed or raped or my family is being attacked or something) that i realize "hey! i'm dreaming! i can open my eyes and i'll just be in bed!"
Yep, I get that too. "No, wait... it's alright, I'm only dreaming."
Sleep paralysis is also called "Old Hag Syndrom" for that reason: because someone who suffers sleep paralysis has the feeling that there's an old witch sitting on his chest preventing him from moving.
medieval myths of incubi and succubi are also believed to stem from this

Hmmmm....okay, I'm finally motivated to contribute my thoughts based off of my research and practices on this topic.

Sleep Paralysis is a necessity that our bodies use when we sleep, obviously. The reason being is due to the fact that when our brains have activity (dreaming) that involves movement, generally the body will want to respond. Sleep Paralysis is used as a failsafe so that we don't act out (physically) any movement that may occur in a dream, which can cause self-injury. Though, there are cases when Sleep Paralysis doesn't take affect, hence sleepwalking.

Lucid Dreams, I truly see as a gift. Basically when you're Lucid Dreaming, you're in a Body Asleep/Mind Awake (Focus 10 trance) state. The things that can be achieved in this state are astronomical and can allow you to see and understand things better, which I'll explain in further detail.

For the past couple years now, I have been practicing meditation and have been researching and practicing OBEs (Out of Body Experience) and Astral Projection. In order to have an OBE or to Astrally Project, you need to be in a state where you are asleep but are conscious, hence the Mind Awake/Body Asleep. There are different stages of OBEs including RTZ OBE (Real-Time Zone) which your astral self is in the actual real-time environment. If you've ever heard of anyone talking about the Silver Cord, this is thought to be a link between your astral self and your physical self. I have seen the Silver Cord along with seeing myself asleep in my bed. There are also cases of people laying down a card face-up (without looking at it) in another room, having a OBE and looking at the card to find out what it is and then confirm it after they awake. Astral Projection on the other hand isn't in the RTZ; you are on the Astral Plane which is a whole different story. Although people tend to consider OBEs and Astral Projection the same thing, they are completely different; one is in our real-time environment while the other is on another plane. You have an OBE or Astrally Project every night when you're asleep but the memories are overwritten (just like with dreams) so you tend not to remember them. Even if you're conscious, sometimes it takes additional training to make sure you remember everything you've experienced in these states.

Sleep Paralysis and Lucid Dreaming both are extremely useful when attempting to have a OBE or Astrally Project because the work is done (your body is already asleep), you simply need to stay conscious and use the rest to your advantage to have a successful OBE/Projection. This is similar but not the same as NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) but a NDE is a form of a OBE.

Now, you may think I'm crazy but there are literally millions out there who are just as crazy as myself. Based off of what I have experienced first-hand and have confirmed by research, I am a strong believer on life after death and reincarnation. I wouldn't call myself religious (I don't believe in organized religion) but I am most definitely spiritual. These types of occurrences are actually being studied scientifically and I have even found information about how the U.S. government has a yearly budget to research this. Can you imagine what kind of espionage could be done with this ability?

Lastly, have you ever had a time where you have awaken to a jolt or jumped up out of bed? Everyone has had this happen to them at least once that they can remember. It is said that you wake up like this because your astral self realigns with your physical self too fast. Basically, when you're in astral form and you think of your physical self, you'll go back to it and sometimes it can happen a little too quickly. It is also said that when you have a "falling" dream, this is the cause of the falling sensation. When you land into yourself, you jump or jolt due to falling into yourself too quickly. I have also experienced this consciously, when I had my first conscious OBE.

Maybe this is a little off track but really, they're all in the same topic.
Lastly, have you ever had a time where you have awaken to a jolt or jumped up out of bed? Everyone has had this happen to them at least once that they can remember. It is said that you wake up like this because your astral self realigns with your physical self too fast.
Negative. I'm not saying I discount the other things you say, but this is incorrect. The jolt or falling sensation occurs when the heart switches to sleep rhythm and fails to alter its rhythm seamlessly, resulting in a heart rhythm error, which wakes you up. Infants don't have the reflex to wake up, which is, in essence, the cause of crib death.
Hmmmm....okay, I'm finally motivated to contribute my thoughts based off of my research and practices on this topic.

Sleep Paralysis is a necessity that our bodies use when we sleep, obviously. The reason being is due to the fact that when our brains have activity (dreaming) that involves movement, generally the body will want to respond. Sleep Paralysis is used as a failsafe so that we don't act out (physically) any movement that may occur in a dream, which can cause self-injury. Though, there are cases when Sleep Paralysis doesn't take affect, hence sleepwalking.

Lucid Dreams, I truly see as a gift. Basically when you're Lucid Dreaming, you're in a Body Asleep/Mind Awake (Focus 10 trance) state. The things that can be achieved in this state are astronomical and can allow you to see and understand things better, which I'll explain in further detail.

For the past couple years now, I have been practicing meditation and have been researching and practicing OBEs (Out of Body Experience) and Astral Projection. In order to have an OBE or to Astrally Project, you need to be in a state where you are asleep but are conscious, hence the Mind Awake/Body Asleep. There are different stages of OBEs including RTZ OBE (Real-Time Zone) which your astral self is in the actual real-time environment. If you've ever heard of anyone talking about the Silver Cord, this is thought to be a link between your astral self and your physical self. I have seen the Silver Cord along with seeing myself asleep in my bed. There are also cases of people laying down a card face-up (without looking at it) in another room, having a OBE and looking at the card to find out what it is and then confirm it after they awake. Astral Projection on the other hand isn't in the RTZ; you are on the Astral Plane which is a whole different story. Although people tend to consider OBEs and Astral Projection the same thing, they are completely different; one is in our real-time environment while the other is on another plane. You have an OBE or Astrally Project every night when you're asleep but the memories are overwritten (just like with dreams) so you tend not to remember them. Even if you're conscious, sometimes it takes additional training to make sure you remember everything you've experienced in these states.

Sleep Paralysis and Lucid Dreaming both are extremely useful when attempting to have a OBE or Astrally Project because the work is done (your body is already asleep), you simply need to stay conscious and use the rest to your advantage to have a successful OBE/Projection. This is similar but not the same as NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) but a NDE is a form of a OBE.

Now, you may think I'm crazy but there are literally millions out there who are just as crazy as myself. Based off of what I have experienced first-hand and have confirmed by research, I am a strong believer on life after death and reincarnation. I wouldn't call myself religious (I don't believe in organized religion) but I am most definitely spiritual. These types of occurrences are actually being studied scientifically and I have even found information about how the U.S. government has a yearly budget to research this. Can you imagine what kind of espionage could be done with this ability?

Lastly, have you ever had a time where you have awaken to a jolt or jumped up out of bed? Everyone has had this happen to them at least once that they can remember. It is said that you wake up like this because your astral self realigns with your physical self too fast. Basically, when you're in astral form and you think of your physical self, you'll go back to it and sometimes it can happen a little too quickly. It is also said that when you have a "falling" dream, this is the cause of the falling sensation. When you land into yourself, you jump or jolt due to falling into yourself too quickly. I have also experienced this consciously, when I had my first conscious OBE.

Maybe this is a little off track but really, they're all in the same topic.
Man and you don't like mushrooms?

This is a fucking awesome post. I'm probably going to read it a few more times before I really wrap my head around it.
Man and you don't like mushrooms?

This is a fucking awesome post. I'm probably going to read it a few more times before I really wrap my head around it.

:lol: Last time I did shrooms I had a very bad trip, which is why I won't touch them anymore.

Negative. I'm not saying I discount the other things you say, but this is incorrect. The jolt or falling sensation occurs when the heart switches to sleep rhythm and fails to alter its rhythm seamlessly, resulting in a heart rhythm error, which wakes you up. Infants don't have the reflex to wake up, which is, in essence, the cause of crib death.

I think that the two theories work together, if you truly think about it.
This thread got me thinking about astral projection and how I'd tried it a couple of times in the past. Just tried it again and scared the crap out of myself. My body was shaking so much and my heart beating INSANELY fast. The intarweb just told me that those two occurrences are normal and indicative that you've almost done it.

But whoa, I was afraid I was inducing myself into a state of shock or something. Scary! I don't think I'll intentionally do that again.

Edit: Yes I should have been asleep long ago. But now I'm too rattled :/
This thread got me thinking about astral projection and how I'd tried it a couple of times in the past. Just tried it again and scared the crap out of myself. My body was shaking so much and my heart beating INSANELY fast. The intarweb just told me that those two occurrences are normal and indicative that you've almost done it.

But whoa, I was afraid I was inducing myself into a state of shock or something. Scary! I don't think I'll intentionally do that again.

Edit: Yes I should have been asleep long ago. But now I'm too rattled :/

Ahhhh you get the vibrations! The heart actually doesn't beat as fast as it feels because what you're feeling is the heart chakra point plus heightened sensations of the physical heart, kind of like when you get really high. The vibrations are very common in some people and are the point when you use your exit strategies. I am one of the unlucky few who don't get severe vibrations and have to rely on the chakras kicking in to know whether or not it is safe to use an exit strategy.

If you're interested, here is a very good source to talk to others and learn about other techniques and such:

Also, if you want some good reading, start out with Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. A very informative read and it includes some really good energy work techniques.

Edit: Also, there is nothing to be afraid of when you get those sensations because they happen all the time; you're usually unconscious when they occur. Getting freaked out about it is the main cause of failed OBEs/Projections and you have to train yourself to get used to the feeling and keeping focus on exiting.
Yeah, first a slight sinking feeling. Then a rising feeling. Then buzzing in the ears and the feeling of being a jackhammer. I snapped myself out of it and as soon as I did I felt my pulse, and it was racing.

I'm reading that when you leave your body, you usually leave from between your eyes. Which is interesting because every time I've done this, my eyes kinda go crossed the moment I start to get into it.
Yeah, first a slight sinking feeling. Then a rising feeling. Then buzzing in the ears and the feeling of being a jackhammer. I snapped myself out of it and as soon as I did I felt my pulse, and it was racing.

I'm reading that when you leave your body, you usually leave from between your eyes. Which is interesting because every time I've done this, my eyes kinda go crossed the moment I start to get into it.

People have different sensations and different responses to these sensations. Hearing the buzzing is completely normal and one of the more pleasant audible sensations. Some people hear birds whereas some have even heard chains being dragged across the floor. The thing is, nothing can harm your astral self no matter how freaky some of the shit may appear. The book I suggested also mentions "Wildlife" which is the freaky side of things. It turns out that when I was young, I used to project and have OBEs all the time (more common in children) and had a lot of occurrences with astral Wildlife.

If you're interested, really read up on the shit from every aspect, including the Wildlife. Its best that you know about it and know how to react to it otherwise when you experience the interaction, you'll freak out and go back into your physical self.

Edit: Also, the spot between your eyes is the 6th Chakra (brow Chakra). The 7th and final Chakra point is the crown which is where the most intense energy resides. It is said that you should only do energy work on this Chakra after you have done work on the other 6 Chakras and people have even had short-term negative responses from jumping right into Crown Chakra energy work.
I probably will read up on it more, but not sure if I'll attempt it again. For now I'm just thoroughly spooked :eek:

Another weird thing I noticed was that my blanket was covering part of my face, and when I started to have the sinking feeling, I could hear movement of the blanket, as though it were falling with me.

Ok, enough of these shenanigans for tonight.
I guess i do a lot of "Dreaming Awake"? Where i'm asleep but i vision something in my head so detailed and complex it unravels as a story or an event taking place. This happened when i first started working, at this deli and with the ambulance. I would pretty much find myself either making someones order wrong, or fucking up paper work, then i'd tell myself i'm at home laying in bed and i'd open my eyes and seriously feel like i was at work.

I know none of you read my posts but i do experience this almost every night and it's not always me at work.

The other night i had a high school football 'dream' and i was about to catch a pass and i literally jumped out of bed to get it and woke up hitting the wall. i hadn't even fallen asleep, i could have just as easily of opened my eyes and drank my glass of water.

Anyone have an explanation? Also, I don't do drugs :lol:.
I probably will read up on it more, but not sure if I'll attempt it again. For now I'm just thoroughly spooked :eek:

Another weird thing I noticed was that my blanket was covering part of my face, and when I started to have the sinking feeling, I could hear movement of the blanket, as though it were falling with me.

Ok, enough of these shenanigans for tonight.

Eeeek, spooky. :cry: I'd be freaked out too.

I used to attempt all that stuff but never got anywhere with it. I figured I'm an insane control freak who already feels detached from everything and purposely trying to let myself relax and go with it is just impossible. It's also the main reason I don't drink and have never tried drugs, I can't stand the thought of letting loose even a little bit.
The other night i had a high school football 'dream' and i was about to catch a pass and i literally jumped out of bed to get it and woke up hitting the wall. i hadn't even fallen asleep, i could have just as easily of opened my eyes and drank my glass of water.

That's awesome :lol: