Interesting Opeth listening experiences

to be honest, i did have a fucking fantastic opeth experience. in fact. it is a FAMOUS story used to convert n00bs back in the day from when most of you young twats were learning cursive writing. It remains now only in the minds of those who heard it in those sacred times.
I recall listening to Blackwater Park in Israel, on a really rainy/cloudy day. I was laying on a bed looking out a huge open window blasting the album. It was euphoric.

And another time... when I took an 1/8th of mushrooms and listened to Damnation. One of the most interesting experiences ever.
Silent Song said:
one time i was listening to Opeth and nothing happened.
Haha! :lol: That made me laugh out loud for more than a minute. :lol:

The only experience I've ever had while listening to Opeth was when I first bought My Arms, Your Hearse. As "April Ethereal" ends, it bleeds into "When." Welp, I was playing the album on my home theater system (just in stereo mode), so naturally I had it cranked way up. Since this was the first album by Opeth that I had heard, I didn't really know their "style" too well. So, 27 seconds into "When," as the guitar lick ends and they blast you with a tidal wave of sound, I jumped in my chair and spilled my cookies and milk all over the place. It's extremely rare for anything to be able to make me jump, so I commend Opeth on that. :) But, I was sad to have lost all my cookies. :(
I recall listening to Opeth and it triggered the urge to kill Profanity.
Looking for a Job said:
there's no forests in florida at all :erk:

OMG you cant be serious.
just as an obvious one, how about the OCALA NATIONAL FOREST!!!!

you must live in miami or jacks or something
[onyx] said:
So, 27 seconds into "When," as the guitar lick ends and they blast you with a tidal wave of sound, I jumped in my chair and spilled my cookies and milk all over the place. It's extremely rare for anything to be able to make me jump, so I commend Opeth on that. :) But, I was sad to have lost all my cookies. :(
hahhaha that rules. it's sad you dropped the cookies :(...cookies own my life