sleep paralysis hallucinations


This definately started happening to me my second semester of my freshman year of college and in the last say eight or so months either happens ALL THE TIME or not at all for periods.

It's really crazy and hard to explain but for me I'll think that I am awake or be in say the bed of the room I am sleeping in but if I try to move it will be like a force is holding me back and often out of the corner of my eye will be a person I know like my brother or friends.

Has anyone had them and then woken up to be in your room again only to have it be ANOTHER ONE! I once had a triple one like this where everytime I thoguht I woke up I would still be dreaming.

The worst part is I know I am dreaming and I tell myself to wake up wake up wake up but I just can't. Also I experience sometimes VERY slow falling or sinking in. The sinking in and falling/spinning are kind of similar to the falling/sinking in feelings on dxm.


This sort of thing happened to me but it wasn't sleep paralysis. I got diagnosed bipolar after a 2 day hospital ordeal. If you think it is connected with your depressions and what not you should get it checked out.