Slip editing guitars?


Ascend Recordings
Dec 16, 2010
How many of you guys slip-edit guitars? How do you guys usually go about doing this?
How many of you guys slip-edit guitars? How do you guys usually go about doing this?

It's great if you like artifacts. I recommend building riffs/parts in really small sections instead. If the guitar player isn't solid enough and you have to do some parts note by note or chord by chord, so be it. If you're tuning every take like you should, you can always use the excuse that some of the notes or chords sound out of tune and that's why you need to break it up more. If you don't have that option because the guitar player is a pretentious purist asshole who refuses to, time stretch when he leaves.
I just slip edit my DI's to where they are slightly behind the beat to give things a little push. And I never have any artifacts or any of that jazz.
K Odell said:
I just slip edit my DI's to where they are slightly behind the beat to give things a little push. And I never have any artifacts or any of that jazz.

I do this too. Works like a charm.
Let me re-explain what I was trying to get at.. Slip editing is fine on certain things played tight with not a whole lot going on. However, on really fast chugs or leads it's usually impossible to make it work with your average guitar player. It's very hard to see the pick attack so you don't cut it off, and every so often the note or chord won't be long enough to slip correctly on the grid. Add a little string noise and it can very easily turn into a big mess. Instead, record guitars in very small sections by punching in multiple times and comp it together to make one tight sounding take. This thread explains everything a lot better:
I don't slip edit guitars, I track over and over until it sounds right


I end up going in and slipping a bit anyway. just to get it to my standards.
I tend to slip in a very natural way. I never make things ridiculously perfect. just a little more perfect than the take I decided to keep.