Cubase Slip Editing Method

Yeah the audio does not snap to the grid when you slip, there is no way of doing that as far as I know. The event can be snapped, but not the audio when slipping. Also, while I suppose it could be useful, I would probably never use that feature anyway if it did exist. I like tight drums but I don't want them to be robotic.
Question, I just found out I could slow down the audio with the audio wrap quick and easy.

Is there any disadvange turning the tempo dow to do the edits and then set it to the normal tempo when done ?

As far as I know the audiowrap dont really modify the audio, it just kinda, erm stretches it ?
Question, I just found out I could slow down the audio with the audio wrap quick and easy.

Is there any disadvange turning the tempo dow to do the edits and then set it to the normal tempo when done ?

As far as I know the audiowrap dont really modify the audio, it just kinda, erm stretches it ?
Why would you want to slow it down for editing? I don't get it. Also by stretching the audio it is being modified. ;)
Yeah, but it does not do any processing to it (or im I totally wrong?).

I want to slow it down if there is a part where its hard to make out where the note/pick attack is course the wave form is just kinda a block and the tempo makes it hard to hear :).
I too have been trying this method since reading this post, it is a great way to edit but I have had one issue.

I have set up all auto fade settings and created a macro like in the video but when I perform the operation the cross fade does not stick to the parameters set in auto fade settings. (and yes I clicked it to be default setting) so this means all my cross fades are far too big and I have to go in manually and edit each cross fade which defeats the purpose some what. I noticed on the video that you clicked and moved on without checking.
I am using Cubase SX3.
User error I'm sure but has anyone else had this issue?

I would really appreciate help on this.

-EDIT- please ignore this post, I got it confused with another post about slip editing and it would seem it was a user error, funny that.
Yeah, but it does not do any processing to it (or im I totally wrong?).

I want to slow it down if there is a part where its hard to make out where the note/pick attack is course the wave form is just kinda a block and the tempo makes it hard to hear :).
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly but if you slow down the actual audio you're definitely altering the waveform afaik.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly but if you slow down the actual audio you're definitely altering the waveform afaik.

Yeah sorry, its hard to explain for me :goggly:.
Are you using cubase, course it might make more sense if you know how the audio warp works in there.

EDIT: anyway what im asking is if I can damage the audio by enabling audio warp on the track so the track automatic adjusts and then set the tempo lower, then when im done with my editing I set it back to the proper tempo.
This thread came right in time. I started editing drums for my bands new demo on Saturday. First time editing with this method and I completed a 8 minute song with the occasional blast beat in somewhere around 3 hours. Second song should take way less time now that I got the hang of it.

Love this method!
Definitely wanna do it before tracking the other instruments, I'm currently editing some guitar/bass that we tracked before editing the drums and it's taking forever. If you're gonna slip the drums 100% on grid I guess you can get away with tracking guitars to the click, but we mindfarted and tracked them to the un-edited drums.
Hey 006, thanks for the vid man, I've been a Cubase user for years but just in the past couple of years I got serious about music production. This video helped out a lot.
Even if the drums are not perfectly tracked to a click, one can still make adjustments to those fudged hits here and there, you know that single snare hit or kick that's screwing up that awesome take? Now I can fix that, thanks man! :kickass: