Slipknot - All Hope is Gone

people that watch gta or counter strike and go out and shoot people have obvious psychosis and mental illness therefore the game should not be held accountable for these retarded actions. i dont see how anyone in their right mind would think otherwise, and anyone not in their right mind should be locked up away from society at the get go. hilarious games like manhunt and new games like fallout 3 shouldnt suffer because of some retard with half a brain
Thats not fact...... its an opinion with no evidence to back it up... almost..if not all of Slipknots records have been critically acclaimed (new album 9/10 in rocksound).. have you even heard Vol. 3? its an intelligent record.. Vermillion part 1 and 2? Anyway Joey Jordison can hardly be bland if people in this thread have stated he is a reason they listen to the band :goggly:
Slipknot is one of the few bands from the nu-metal era I still like - and i'm not afraid to because its cool not to like them...:zombie:

To be fair i never stated anything i said to be fact, just how the album came off to me. And yes i have heard vol 3, i used to be into slipknot, and while i did like that record at first i found it to get very boring to me very quickly. Plus i said joeys drumming was bland not because he cant play, it is obvious that he can, but because theres only so long you can milk the same beats and fills. And ill finish this with a big 'this is my personal opinion, NOT fact'. Is that better for you now?
cheesecake and donuts are fatty, sugary and can cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension and a slew of other physical illnesses

i shall check out this album, although i admit ive never listened to slipknot before (some of my friends like them though)

all hope is gone isn't the place to start if you want to get into toehm, check out vol. 3 the subliminal verses if you want to start somewhere! that album still stands as one of my fave's!
haha settle buddy. You went nuts over that article. Fact is when something like that happens in society those affected will always sought out an outside influence to distance themselves from any blame. Films and music will always be used a scapegoat in these situations. Obviously they aren't true, but in a way it's like a lot of stereotypes (there is some small truth to them). While gta didn't actually make someone go out and kill a taxi driver (reason gta 4 is banned in Thailand) it did show him and it is possible to do. All it took was for someone nuts enough to carry it out. And the world will never be short of nutcases.

wow trent, i love it how you can ground the whole situation! nicely done, i feel defused already! haha cya friday at Opeth!
To be fair i never stated anything i said to be fact, just how the album came off to me. And yes i have heard vol 3, i used to be into slipknot, and while i did like that record at first i found it to get very boring to me very quickly. Plus i said joeys drumming was bland not because he cant play, it is obvious that he can, but because theres only so long you can milk the same beats and fills. And ill finish this with a big 'this is my personal opinion, NOT fact'. Is that better for you now?

Yes that is better for me :D
Ironically it turns out that all the years since Vol.3 my listening to bands like Cult Of Luna, Opeth, The Ocean..TOOL..Mastodon.. has made Slipknot lose somewhat of its appeal... :goggly:
I still believe that Vol. 3 is a great record though and I certainly still have time for that.. but I don't know, the new record does'nt do that much for me
Yes that is better for me :D
Ironically it turns out that all the years since Vol.3 my listening to bands like Cult Of Luna, Opeth, The Ocean..TOOL..Mastodon.. has made Slipknot lose somewhat of its appeal... :goggly:
I still believe that Vol. 3 is a great record though and I certainly still have time for that.. but I don't know, the new record does'nt do that much for me

Yeh i agree, slipknot was kind of the band that was my re-introduction to metal when i was about 14, so a lot more bands have come along since six years ago which made me listen to them less and less. Its at the point now where i just find them a bit boring. Its funny how much people jump on the hate wagon though with the 'their slipknot so they suck' reasoning, no arguements to back up what they say haha.
I could appreciate what they were goin for with Vol. 3, but couldnt get into it myself. They did dare to change it up a bit with that album, but yeh the latest one just seems to me like theyve gone for the safe option.
its an intelligent record
Slipknot are a lot of things but intelligent isn't one of them. They're pop-metal fluff for the masses. I have to admit i've gleaned a certain amount of enjoyment from the odd song of theirs over the years, but there's very little depth to proceedings.

For an 'intelligent record' go to the Negura Bunget thread immediately.
Yes that is better for me :D
Ironically it turns out that all the years since Vol.3 my listening to bands like Cult Of Luna, Opeth, The Ocean..TOOL..Mastodon.. has made Slipknot lose somewhat of its appeal... :goggly:
I still believe that Vol. 3 is a great record though and I certainly still have time for that.. but I don't know, the new record does'nt do that much for me

i can relate
You look at how intelligent it is. Like you, you're obviously incredibly dumb, so we can classify you as a dumb piece.

so pretty much you cant tell if a piece is intelligent or not and your just talking shit to hide your ineptitude

nice job nonce
The solos come off as barely structured, like they hit random notes in a scale

ummh... uhhh... that sounds so familiar, could it be that you are describing ahhh whats that metal band called, yeah Slayer solos perhaps.
Shouldn't the title be All Hope is Lost. Using Gone just doesn't seem right to me.

Other than that I kind of enjoyed this album.
Haven't listened to their past albums in a few years, so not sure if I'd rank it as their best or not ??
But it's pretty good.