"Smoke crack and worship satan"

there is no immortal god,jesus is fraud, satan is a hoax. believe in nothing

Actually, I believe in both. I guess you could consider me a Christian, I mean, I don't go to church or anything, but I have in the past (about 7-8 years ago not counting my moms' funeral) and I believe in Jesus. I really don't care what peoples' beliefs are because they aren't gonna effect mine. I personally think that shirt is funny as hell and I'm probably gonna order one.
I was thinkin about wearing my Dimmu Borgir hoodie that says "In satan we trust, do what must be done" on it. to that dumb ass movie. but, i'm not willing to pay money to see a piece of shit movie.

porno > passion

the porno of the christ...that'd be something to see.
OM@G!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!OMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111@Lik, omg!!!!!!!!1111111 I meen:Alexi has, like,RABBITT TEEHT OMGLOLOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111@i meean rilly RABIT THEETH !!!!!!!!!!UUUUGH!!!!!!!!1111OMG hes famuos adn all a nd he hsa liek tose rillyr illy horible horribel rabitt teeht ,nand ift hat wasent HORIBLE enogh@hE ALSO DOES'NT BELIEF IN JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111THats reight he WHORSHIP'S THE DEEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LIke omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 and,he also SMOKE'S CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!1n d hes b3ecom FAT!!!!!!!!!!!@11likE OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

j/k ;)
VaroaMiettiäShakma said:
crack impares your mind of keeping time, not good for musicians or ne one.

So crack is bad because it impairs your ability to keep time? I thought it might have had something to do with it's incredible addiction potential and exorbitant cost... :) not to mention what it does to your lungs over any period of time.
Stun said:
So crack is bad because it impairs your ability to keep time? I thought it might have had something to do with it's incredible addiction potential and exorbitant cost... :) not to mention what it does to your lungs over any period of time.

you failed to mention the fact that it can make your heart explode. That's always a bummer, especially for musicians.