

That's a very good book.
siderea said:
i strongly dislike it that when you go out (fresh clothes washed hair whatever) you nevertheless return smelling like a tar chimney.

what, you europeans havent heard of a shower? :D

no really, i smoke about 4 days a week, and on those days its about 3 or 4 fags (stogies, cigarettes, smokes, cigs, ect.) and i fucking hate the smell of it. when i am at home, i go outside to smoke, come in, go the wash room, wash my hands and face (i have a goatee that just reeks afterward), and pop in a piece of extra gum (polar ice, or uber mint).

i started smoking when i was 12, and was a very heavy (bout a pack and a half a day) until i was 23. being 27 now and for the past four years i have smoke around a pack a week. but there will be weeks where i wont smoke at all, especially in the summer, fuck i hate the heat. then there will be nights like 2 fridays ago where i go out at 6pm, and get home around 7am and have miraculously killed a pack and a half of camel ultra lights. but those nights are blessedly few and far between for 2 weeks after that night i still feel the shit in my lungs.

but as for non smokers, there is some shit that bothers me; here in the US there is a campaign called 'truth' that just have the most insulting and aggrivating ads on tv. i dont watch much television, maybe 3 hours a week and in that time i see 3 or 4 of these fucking 'truth' comercials.
problem number 2 is that in many of the cities in US there are no smoking in public laws. as in not in pubs, restaurants, pool halls, malls, office buildings, casinos and even fucking hospitals (j/k). now this means NO smoking at ALL, not just smoking sections. if that is the way they are going to do it, they should have smoking establishments, as in bars and restaurants that offer smoking where as those who do not like the smoking can go to the places that offer a smoke free environment. brilliant compromise cept that the smokers clubs will be better and the non smokers will bitch about it.

alas there is no end. i smoke because i like to, but i am glad that you dont. i will try not to blow smoke in your face if you try not to bitch or sneer when i light one up! :Smokin:
Dhatura said:
Fanfan de les Perfumes Dangerouse, a new adventure story.

new speilberg flick, 'stink of death'. tagline, she just wanted the other girl to smell beter, who could have known that so little ralph lauren could be so deadly?'

tonight at 6, a locol student assinates his classmate with CK1.

better to stink than kill your neighbor? hmmm.

eh, what the fuck do i know? sorry for you people i have slain over the years with my CK obsession and drakkar, but you should feel better about the girls that i have bedded that told me how good i smelled while rubbing my flesh on hers. is there no comfort in that?
Don Corleone said:
amen, berkleyblack, amen.

we dont have that problem here in turkey, because almost everyone smokes! haha so we all die young.

yah i know, i started smoking when i lived in turkey! i was at the incirlik AFB just outside of adana. my first cig was a samsun. ha! we always joked that they were dried donkey and camel shit instead of tobacco. but yeah, i think i started for the same reason people go at a green light, everyone else was.

ah those were the days, happy memories! thanks for that don.
berkleyblack said:
yah i know, i started smoking when i lived in turkey! i was at the incirlik AFB just outside of adana. my first cig was a samsun. ha! we always joked that they were dried donkey and camel shit instead of tobacco. but yeah, i think i started for the same reason people go at a green light, everyone else was.

ah those were the days, happy memories! thanks for that don.

:OMG: you were here? you smoked a samsun? are you insane? hahaha :loco:

you were doing your military service or what? tell me more for fuck's sake!
nomana-nuniyan said:
Smokers can go to hell.
You really can't expect anyone to care somehow about you and your privilege to your poisionous habit when you're making everyone around you sick.
Just go lock yourselves in your houses with your cigs and smoke yourselves to death, do what you love to do most, why bother doing anything else? Just get the fuck out of our faces.
Now why don't you get the fuck out of me face dear? :D
You're from the US eh? Well that makes sense. The land of phobias. Come to Greece mate and maybe then you'll realise what "rights and freedoms" means.
I mean, if i knew that a person near me had this "problem" of yours i'd put out me ciggie at once, just only if he would ask me to. And i never smoke in public places where it's prohibited. And i do have respect for non-smokers, only if they have the same respect towards me. And i also get annoyed by smoke in clubs etc, me eyes sometime hurt cos i wear contct lenses. And i also hate the smell of smoke on me clothes and hair. And you can fock off cos you don't have the slightest clue of what democracy means, damned puritans :wave:
Dwra said:
Now why don't you get the fuck out of me face dear? :D
You're from the US eh? Well that makes sense. The land of phobias. Come to Greece mate and maybe then you'll realise what "rights and freedoms" means.
I mean, if i knew that a person near me had this "problem" of yours i'd put out me ciggie at once, just only if he would ask me to. And i never smoke in public places where it's prohibited. And i do have respect for non-smokers, only if they have the same respect towards me. And i also get annoyed by smoke in clubs etc, me eyes sometime hurt cos i wear contct lenses. And i also hate the smell of smoke on me clothes and hair. And you can fock off cos you don't have the slightest clue of what democracy means, damned puritans :wave:

nice one sweetie!!! :headbang: