

Jul 14, 2007
Hey, I'm Ed.

I've been into metal for about ten years; started off with training-wheels shit like Disturbed and System of a Down. It wasn't heavy enough for me, so I went on to find bigger and better things. I've become obsessed, at one point or another, with every genre of metal out there, but the one that's got me fixated right now is stoner... slash doom. Spirit Caravan's always at the top of my list on favorite bands, with Goatsnake at close second.
I've also gotten into black metal again recently and may need some guidance to get back on track.

I've been into gothic rock almost as long as metal. No, not this MCR, HIM, etc. shit; that shit is to goth as Papa Roach is to metal: NOTHING. I'm talking about 80's-centered bands, most notably Bauhaus, Siouxsie, the Sisters of Mercy, the Cure (early works), etc. I know, it's an odd combination.
I play guitar and write in a gothic rock band, which is pretty easy since the guitars in it are minimal. In the future, I may want to start up a stoner-doom band.

So, uh... yeah.:kickass: