Snare/kick Tips

Thanks Tad, Carpet Is Really Giving Me That Boom! No More Nasty Mirror Images From Hardwood. Tad Doesn't Care What Anyone Says, He Knows. Hahaha Thanks For Posted That Video, I Honestly Forgot How Funny That Shit Is.
Tad rules.

"Big strong warm depth.... good".

Oh and apparently Nuendo has more head room than PT
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What's been working great for me lately is turning the lugs on the snare as tight as will go and then detuning the 2 bottom lugs.

Using the snare channel just for attack and reverb for body/decay.

On the snare channel I just use a gate and transient designer and call it a day.

And for the kick, the Jaw Tuning + Credit Card + Penny has been working wonders.

Still can't tune toms worth a damn lol, so Metal Machine! :D

My honest interpretation of this nonsense:

1. Take snare tighten all lugs as hard as I can, then on ONLY 2 lugs on the bottom head I losen them.

2. I take the direct mic from that hot mess and put a gate on it first, I make sure it just sounds like a blip attack no decay. It's a very sharp sound that cuts off abruptly. Then I take a transient designer and do lord knows what, probably turn up the attack even MOAR.

3. I take a reverb and put it on that bullshit I just described but I put a pre delay like a motherfucker so it just covers the decay of the snare. Kind of like a derpy ghost sound for yo snare.

4. For the kick I tune it JUST ABOVE WRINKLE (jaw) glue/tape a credit card to the head and then a penny to the credit card.

5. I can't actually tune drums worth a shit so I just sample everything else.

That about it? :lol: :rock:
4. For the kick I tune it JUST ABOVE WRINKLE (jaw) glue/tape a credit card to the head and then a penny to the credit card.

Jaw tuning is actually unscrewing all the lugs as far as you possibly can using only your jaw, and then placing a mic through the hole on the batter side as far through as you can using only your jaw. Works wonders for me.
My honest interpretation of this nonsense:

1. Take snare tighten all lugs as hard as I can, then on ONLY 2 lugs on the bottom head I losen them.

2. I take the direct mic from that hot mess and put a gate on it first, I make sure it just sounds like a blip attack no decay. It's a very sharp sound that cuts off abruptly. Then I take a transient designer and do lord knows what, probably turn up the attack even MOAR.

3. I take a reverb and put it on that bullshit I just described but I put a pre delay like as motherfucker so it just covers the decay of the snare. Kind of like a derpy ghost sound for yo snare.

4. For the kick I tune it JUST ABOVE WRINKLE (jaw) glue/tape a credit card to the head and then a penny to the credit card.

5. I can't actually tune drums worth a shit so I just sample everything else.

That about it? :lol: :rock:

The 2 lugs on the top skin and using a coated head, i was drunk when i posted this hahaha
I like to put my snare under water and hit it with a knife. It has to be a knife because a stick will not go through the water as quickly. The downside is the head has to be tossed after I'm done.

I lower a mic into the water (sm57) putting 2 non lubricated condoms on it to keep it dry.

Then I mix that in with a shotgun blast I recorded out in a field at my grandfathers farm. I used a q3 with a foam windscreen for that. I used 3" magnum buckshot loads in a 12 gauge.

Then I mix those two with a regular snare and put the star wars theme playing through headphones (the small earbud kind) into the snare drum itself through the port hole. I use a strong amp and play it quite loud in there.

Then I drop trou and make the guy playing the drum part stare at my bare ass while he plays, a few chuckles get into the mix but that's how I roll.

I would sig the shit out of that post if it weren't that long xD
I like to put my snare under water and hit it with a knife. It has to be a knife because a stick will not go through the water as quickly. The downside is the head has to be tossed after I'm done.

I lower a mic into the water (sm57) putting 2 non lubricated condoms on it to keep it dry.

Then I mix that in with a shotgun blast I recorded out in a field at my grandfathers farm. I used a q3 with a foam windscreen for that. I used 3" magnum buckshot loads in a 12 gauge.

Then I mix those two with a regular snare and put the star wars theme playing through headphones (the small earbud kind) into the snare drum itself through the port hole. I use a strong amp and play it quite loud in there.

Then I drop trou and make the guy playing the drum part stare at my bare ass while he plays, a few chuckles get into the mix but that's how I roll.

WARNING! Do not read this whilst in a quiet office and try to blame your suppressed laughs on a "tickley cough" and then burst out laughing afterwards... I had to go outside to "calm down" :lol: :Spin: