Also interested in acoustic treatment of Backstage control room.
Interested in monitoring as well!
I've read that Andy uses ns10 most of the times and sometimes checks mixes on Genelecs, but I see that he still uses Genelecs 1031a (they are in the studio).
If you find some spare time, Andy can you please share, what's your opinion on those Genelecs? I also have a pair, but I'm still in the process of getting used to them (most of the times I feel comfortable with my Adams, they seem to have more pronounced mid range)..
Also what's your opinion on room treatment?
Some mixers prefer totally treated rooms, with flat response, and some other mostly don't care about the room treatment at all.
I guess that control room in Backstage is a big place, so it's easier to avoid some of the problems in the first place.
Is there any special design involved like LEDE or something? Acoustic treatment was done by whom, if you can share?

Also interested in acoustic treatment of Backstage control room.
Interested in monitoring as well!
I've read that Andy uses ns10 most of the times and sometimes checks mixes on Genelecs, but I see that he still uses Genelecs 1031a (they are in the studio).
If you find some spare time, Andy can you please share, what's your opinion on those Genelecs? I also have a pair, but I'm still in the process of getting used to them (most of the times I feel comfortable with my Adams, they seem to have more pronounced mid range)..
Also what's your opinion on room treatment?
Some mixers prefer totally treated rooms, with flat response, and some other mostly don't care about the room treatment at all.
I guess that control room in Backstage is a big place, so it's easier to avoid some of the problems in the first place.
Is there any special design involved like LEDE or something? Acoustic treatment was done by whom, if you can share?