When I went out west a few times I was surprised that it was so hot but it didn't really feel that bad because it was dry. Here the humidity gets so bad you can see waves in the street lights and there's almost resistance in the air as you walk. It blows.

My December - Overkill
Resistance in the air......great name for a tune!

Finding My Way - Rush
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That sucks. I remember when our last one died. The time between it's demise and the time it took for the tech to tell me it was cheaper to buy a new one was only hours but it felt like eternity...and I had three others in the house :)

Death Becomes My Light - Kreator
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Yeah they are getting cheaper, which is a good thing but the market here is flooded with choice. Shopping for a TV would be a minefield of shit and dodgy salesmen happy to deal overpriced shit if it got them a good commission.

KIckin' My Dog - Mammoth Mammoth
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Nearly all our big stores employ sales droids who get told to push certain brands. The company gets a better deal, or the mark up is better etc. The sales droid gets fuck all from each extra sale but they do get small bonuses. It's the company that gets the bigger kick backs.

Sold My Soul - Mercyful Fate
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