I've been very happy since Joey came back. I was pretty crushed when they axed him. I just could never get into Thrax with Bush. I liked songs here and there but not enough to buy. Except I do have Stomp. But I don't think much of it. It certainly is NOT anything to do with Bush though. Simply the musical change and knowing they were trying to follow Metallica. If they had kept the thrash with Bush I'm sure I would have been very happy. Now that Joey is back I may have to go revisit all the Bush era stuff. There was a song I really liked a lot, but I don't know the name.

Mad Gone World - Overkill
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I was disappointed when Joey was axed too, I thought he was one of the best front men in metal at the time. I know age gets us all and I think age has got him now but while I don't dislike him since he rejoined I think I'm probably nostalgic for what they were up to POT. I'm not a fan of the Bush era, just SOWN I think it's a killer album even if not quite the same as the prior efforts.

A World That Has Moved On - Spellblast
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I just really missed his voice he definitely had his own. And just him himself just one of a kind. Especially in the realm of big 4 territory. He may have lost a step live but I'm not sure if he just doesn't have it anymore or if it's because he really hasn't worked like that in over 20 years. I'd imagine it's a big diff from Anthrax shows and doing covers in bars. I'm sure his stamina slipped a bit. But I've enjoyed the new albums with him a lot. Also adding the new lead guitar was a nice help.
I'll have to get SOWN, it still had Spitz right? I think the nail for Anthrax with me was also losing him after. It just wasn't the same gang for me.

I Don't Wanna Change the World - Ozzy
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I think live is definitely where he is down now days, but honestly the guy's over 50, what he did as a 20 or 30 year old just isn't possible. They used to have so much energy on stage, and Joey was like Bruce Dickinson, he never stopped, there is few people who can carry that into their 50's and further, especially as you say he didn't really work at it in his time away. Spitz was on SOWN but he didn't write anything (apparently). I was annoyed when they lost him too, but I also never really looked into why. I know plenty of people bag him out now but I found out a while after the fact that he was gone and I just never bothered to look into why.

Prisoner Of your World - Silent Knight
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I believe with Spitz it was losing Joey plus the change in music as it wasn't really built for solos and just the overall change in the feeling of the band itself. He just wasn't into it. However, now. he seems a bit loony tunes.

Edge Of The World - Faith No More
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Yeah I haven't kept up with Danny, I know plenty of people say he's going looney and he can't hold a band together but I really haven't followed up enough to know how true that is.

The Wickedest Man In The World - Skyclad
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It seems very true unfortunately. He really talked up Red Lamb as if it was a new full time thing, that was going to be long term. He got Mustaine involved and Dave talked it up too. The album came out and the band was just gone. Never really did much of anything. Then the next thing..I can't remember who it was with. but he talked that up a lot. You know. New super band, unbelievable, blah blah the whole thing. And that never even got off the ground and now I think he's back to watches.

One World - Anthrax
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I do remember him talking about some new band that never got off the ground. I guess that's spoken about a bit these days but considering how much I liked him in Anthrax I still do wonder sometimes why I just didn't get interested enough to ever look him up after he left. I did listen to Red Lamb but I can't remember it being too outstanding.

Heretic In The Modern World - Savage Messiah
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Well between the Marital and heart problem he had dealt with over the years just might have something to do with things not panning out maybe?A shame though, I really miss him as well!

World Funeral - Hatriot
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I do remember him talking about some new band that never got off the ground. I guess that's spoken about a bit these days but considering how much I liked him in Anthrax I still do wonder sometimes why I just didn't get interested enough to ever look him up after he left. I did listen to Red Lamb but I can't remember it being too outstanding.

Heretic In The Modern World - Savage Messiah
Red Lamb had a few pretty cool tunes. And a bunch that were just kind of eh. Supposedly he had a seven minute guitar solo on there and Mustaine took it off lol.
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Well between the Marital and heart problem he had dealt with over the years just might have something to do with things not panning out maybe?A shame though, I really miss him as well!

World Funeral - Hatriot
Oh yeah I forgot about his heart troubles. Fucking shitty. I thought he was better but I don't really know.
Hate Worldwide - Slayer
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Red Lamb had a few pretty cool tunes. And a bunch that were just kind of eh. Supposedly he had a seven minute guitar solo on there and Mustaine took it off lol.

Bloody Mustaine and his ego, probably thought no one could play guitar like he could :)

As The World Burns - Pitch Black Forecast
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Yeah I wonder about that. I also wonder whose idea it was to have the singer sound just like Dave. I know Dave worked with him to make it that way. But why and whose idea was it? lol

(Aint Nothing Gonna) Save This World - Flotsam and Jetsam
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As much as I like both guys Dave and Danny are not two people I would have ever thought would fit in a band together.

Not Of This World - Objector
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Man I would love to have seen some of the whingers go if Danny joined 'deth. There is enough who already rag shit out of Dave, add a guy from Anthrax and it would be like Christmas for some people and their whinging :)

How To Extinguish This Fire - Whipping The Clown
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