So Angela Gossow left Arch Enemy... Wow

Not a fan of either band, haven't even heard "the agonist", but judging from the pictures the replacement singer is way hotter, and in the end isn't that what is most important?

Good call.
This would be good news if the new singer could do clean vocals, because if there was something annoying about the band, was those sections full of guitar melodies, especially in the last albuns, even lame melodies always over death metal vocals. It sounded so boring.

So some versatility in the vocal department would be great but I have serious doubt.
Ok! after hearing her singing in her band. forget what I said! her clean vocals would be a shit in arch enemy!lol
I'd really liked what she was doing in the Agonist's second record but was disappointed with the last one. I think her vocals (particularly her cleans) are great and her theatrics were interesting but I don't know how they would fit inside Arch Enemy.
Saw that, I quite like the new girl, it is gonna work well ! I didn't like the two last albums so much so maybe the change is gonna make me more interested again ! I love Angela Gossow, I am just welcoming the change
Fuck Angela. Allisa is the hottest babe in the metal scene, period.
She growls and does clean but who cares, at the end of the day y'all wanna hear her gag on your stick.
All I can say is that when I saw The Agonist back in 2007 (damn was I young back then), I was BLOWN away by her performance. Never knew the band (The Agonist), but definitely heard great potential and immediately started to follow the band.

Unfortunately, I've never been a huge fan of Arch Enemy but I still enjoyed them. I am almost certain that Alyssa is a good - if not the best - replacement for Angela. Mark my words, next AE album is going to be sick. first i was happy when i read in the title that angela leaves the band but when i read who is going to replace her ... i always wanted another man at the vocals like on the first albums. first i was happy when i read in the title that angela leaves the band but when i read who is going to replace her ... i always wanted another man at the vocals like on the first albums.

Johan wasn't that awesome either. Looking back, I loved the music on the first 3 albums but I recently tried to listen to them and ugh. The vocals. They've never had much luck with vocalists imo.
Dunno if Allissa left The Agonist on a heartbeat but she was complaining about not making money and that she never got apenny from the label, etc.. Arch Enemy is probably on another level. However, I had a good time with Wages of Sin and like the 2 other albums after that but lost focus after.. The Agonist was something more interesting to me musically.
I don't care the slightest, but I do think Gossow is hotter.
Anyways, had to sig this.

/ Just noticed I've been playing my LTD Ninja (Michael Amott, Arch Enemy, signature guitar) for years on end and I'm quite known for playing that guitar (I own two of them, one as live backup), and I coudn't play or even name you a song they did since the record that had Leader of the Rats on it (whatever it's name may be). There was a time when people asked me what type of guitar it was, and I could only say "LTD Ninja signature of ..." and had to try to look up the guys name by looking at the headstock. Great guitar, utterly uninteresting band, haha.