So Angela Gossow left Arch Enemy... Wow

I didn't realize people still cared about Arch Enemy.
Seriously? I thought they got bigger with each of their last few records?

I only have Anthems and Wages (and the Dead Eyes EP). Didn't care enough for the singles of the newer records to actually get the albums. Still I always thought they were a great band. Anthems is really catchy and I like Wages for its old-school vibe.

Can't listen to the new song right now but I'll make sure to pay close attention to the release of this album.
I think what he meant is that since those two very good records, they made quite poor ones. I loved both of those, I know them by heart, and still, I didn't care about the next ones because they were average too me. Also I don't like the image they project on their websites, in their advertisement, in their "be our army and let's fight the evil bad people" t shirts because it is all precisely aimes at a young audience who is still searching their own identity !

Still I love this band and they fucking deliver live. Last time I could have seen them at a festival I didn't go because I have seen them before and wanted to see another band, and when they started the first 20s of their first song and Angela screamed, the beats got aggressive and the guitars kicked in, and a sounded so good and in your face, I regretted I was not in the front row
Fuck I love the production.

She sounds super good and she satisfied my fetish for colored hair women (red stays my favorite though)

I'm loving this ! So much better than last two productions and albums IMO, i'm totally buying this one !
Same I'm digging the overall feel more than the song itself, the solo was very meh, the lyrics I quite didn't get them anyway !

For some reason I'm digging her vocals more than Angela's now after a few listens ! I'd like to know if she can sound that good live cause Angelas was a beast in front of an audience, especially the last few years after she improved her technique even more
They certainly managed to take advantage of a bad situation (a member leaving) and with some great promotional decisions they managed to have everyone talk about them. My facebook newsfeed is flooded with posts about arch enemy. I still don't see the big deal though.
Good production, really good vocal performance, but utterly boring and uninspired songwriting.
Tbh it sounds like they just don't give a fuck anymore.
No me gusta.

As far as the vocals go, i think i prefer her over angela. Better technique and more balls (no pun intended :D )
Without A/B'ing I definitely wouldn't have noticed that it's a different singer. Both of the girls sound better than Johan imo.

Oh and to my surprise I don't like the new song. :(
Daniel Erlandsson is probably one of my favorite Metal drummers these days though.