So? Anyone can help??


Jul 9, 2007
London, ON, Canada
well i 18 and few weeks now, and i never ever tried alcohle in my life, untill 2 days ago, so far i have tried cheap ass whisky, fosters beer (dont know about the spelling) and vodca with redbull (its an energy drink)

well whisky sucked ass a lot, i really hated the taste
fosters beer sucked too

anyway so far i have tried 3 only, so please i need recomendation, espically for beers.

anyone? help?:kickass:

Expand your fucking mind maaaaaan.

In so much as:



Kronenberg - Beer
Strongbow - Cider
Magners - Better Cider
Jagermeister - Fucking awesome


Takes me back to my first drink.

16... Didn't drink nearly enough to get pissed.

Awful night.
What country are you from? Your typing doesn't lean toward an english speaking country. I go to college in the United States and we drink pretty much what is cheap/available. Beers: KeyStone, Budweiser, Coors, Corona, nothing too fancy. Cheap vodka/whiskey/rum for shots.

Personally I LOVE sweet red wine. Wine gives you a different kind of buzz, I get really happy and giddy when I drink too much wine. Plus it doesn't taste as horrible (to me) as hard liqour or beer.
What country are you from? Your typing doesn't lean toward an english speaking country. I go to college in the United States and we drink pretty much what is cheap/available. Beers: KeyStone, Budweiser, Coors, Corona, nothing too fancy. Cheap vodka/whiskey/rum for shots.

Personally I LOVE sweet red wine. Wine gives you a different kind of buzz, I get really happy and giddy when I drink too much wine. Plus it doesn't taste as horrible (to me) as hard liqour or beer.

well its a long story, but u can say im jordanian curently in dubai, but i live in canada
Try some carlsberg.

Thats my favorite among the cheap beers. Good call.
And yeah, amon666, you should try it. Its goes down easilly, its smooth and nice... i'm drinking some right know actually ;)

As for red wine.. its good.. it can get you easilly nicely drunk with a few glasses.. but getting too drunk with wine gives you the worst hangovers.. they are pretty damn violent.. well at least thats the case for me.

and its spelled "vodKa" ;)
Kronenberg - Beer

Kronenberg is the most common beer people drink here in France. Not because its particularly good, but because its the cheapest beer which doesn't taste too much like piss.
Here whenever students throw a party, there will always be that kronenberg pack of 30s. :p

EDIT: oh wait, isn't it spelled "Kronenbourg"?
good to see you getting on the booze brother!! i love coopers beer - sparkling is to die for. it's an Aussie beer made in South Australia.

this thread has got me thinking i shoudl go and get some beer. haha. but no drinking today, drank like a fish last night. went through a bottle of vodka and about 10 beers. i was literally all over the shop lol. not feeling that bad now, this morning i was a wreck but hangovers generally don't knock me out for the whole day anymore. i'm used to them now.

i suggest you stay away from Fosters as BurningCreation said. that stuff is terrible!

hope things are going well for you bro. \m/
You can try mixing th vodka with orange/multifruit juice
If you can find a bar that makes mojito's, try some of those too

As for beers, forget what these other bastards said, a good beer will give you a far better experience in taste and aftereffects then a cheap one. So go to the imported beers section of your supermarket, and try out anything that comes from Belgium. Unless they're importing supermarket brands from over here (Cara pils, etc.) you'll have a fair good chance to quickly find something to your liking.
This is surprising me a bit. You guys are saying there is other stuff to drink except met? Gonna have to try it.

Seriously: If you can have a grip on Veltins (Pils), you have to try it.
And: NEVER EVER mix the good stuff with ANYTHING! The only thing I accept in my Whisky is 1 or 2 ice cubes. Of course, you can always mix Wodka (or however it spells in english) with orange juice or rum with Cola, but that just isn't the same...
Real men tank skin!
if it's your first time drinkin', i'd say you should stay away from whiskey on the rocks. You'll puke your guts out and wish you were dead. Stick w/ beer and maybe something like Jagermeister.

Y'see, Phelice has in medical terms what is called "tolerance."

:D ;)
This is surprising me a bit. You guys are saying there is other stuff to drink except met? Gonna have to try it.

Seriously: If you can have a grip on Veltins (Pils), you have to try it.
And: NEVER EVER mix the good stuff with ANYTHING! The only thing I accept in my Whisky is 1 or 2 ice cubes. Of course, you can always mix Wodka (or however it spells in english) with orange juice or rum with Cola, but that just isn't the same...
Real men tank skin!

Finally someone who knows the truth :oops:

Drink Flensburger Pilsener or Jever... That's one awesome taste!

Where the fuck do you live to have your first alc on that age??????????? :puke:

Maybe you should ask me to get your answer! :err: