Some of the beers available in Dubai according to my friend:
Heineken, Carlsberg, Stella, Guinness, Corona, Budwieser
Out of those, for my personal taste, only Guinness is worthy, and only because of lack of a better option.
But for a beginner to beer, I'd say try it and make your own opinion.
Start with Budweiser, an American pale lager that is pretty much tasteless.
Most likely contains large amounts of corn and/or rice as adjuncts.
Then go for Coronoa, a Mexican lager beer that for sure uses large amounts of corn as an adjunct. Start without putting the lime in, to have a feel for what you actually like (or nor) about the beer.
Then put the lime in as well, I think that makes it almost drinkable.
Next comes Heineken (Dutch, but brewed under licence pretty much everywhere), Carlsberg (Danish) and Stella Artois (Belgian), all standard pale, fairly cheap, lagers.
This (and its peers) I'm guessing is what 95% of the beer drinking population drinks when they order a beer.
I think they don't taste enough.
To finish off take a guinness, a black stout more bitter than the rest.
A lot of people say it makes you full to your stomach beacuse it is so "chewy" but it's only because they use a mix of co2 and nitrogen, it actually makes you burp and fart less than the standard lagers.
Guinness (at least if it is the "draught" version) don't taste a whole lot, I find it rather boring and very easy to drink.
But when given a choice of the remaining standard lagers, that is what I'd go for.
As mentioned above as well, the Samuel Adams range of beers are well worth trying.
For other American beers, I'd say try what you can find from the following breweries:
Great Divide, Brooklyn, Sierra Nevada, Left Hand, Flying Dog, Three Floyds, Rogue, North Coast, Oscar Blues and pretty much every Micro brewery you can find.
Happy hunting