So? Anyone can help??

Aurvandils tá;7043272 said:
Finally someone who knows the truth :blush:

Drink Flensburger Pilsener or Jever... That's one awesome taste!

Where the fuck do you live to have your first alc on that age??????????? :Puke:

its not about where i lived, but i took a choice that i would never drink alcohole or even try it, but then i got curious to try it, plus im a teen, so its kinda an age of first times
I'm glad you left this path of madness
When back in Canada, I'd recommend you try any beer from the Unibroue brewery, located in Quebec.
They brew mainly Belgian style beers.

Trois Pistoles, Maudite and La Fin Du Monde are most excellent.

I haven't tried all that many beers from Canada though.

Got a friend in Dubai at the moment, I've sked him for what beers you can get there, I'll be back with which ones I find nice.

Other than that, I could just say, try getting a few different beers of various styles, see what you like better.
Do you like it sweet, bitter, spicy, or what?
Stay the fuck away from cheap beer! Go for the good stuff, some of my favs are Sam Adams (all their beers), Arrogant Bastard Ale and almost any amber ale.
Everyone likes vodka, it's a simple drink...almost tasteless. Try different rums..maybe give gin a shot (I love my Gibsons). What you drink depends on your taste, some people hate beer and love burbon but hate gin. You will have to try different things until you find what you like to drink.
Whatever you do here's my advice until you become a "practiced" drinker
DON'T DRINK TOO MUCH TOO QUICKLY! I don't care what you are drinking, from peppermint schnaupps to will make you sick. :ill::Puke:
Once your are practiced...
You are never too drunk, until you have to hold on to the earth to keep yourself from falling off it. :kickass:
When back in Canada, I'd recommend you try any beer from the Unibroue brewery, located in Quebec.
They brew mainly Belgian style beers.

Trois Pistoles, Maudite and La Fin Du Monde are most excellent.

I haven't tried all that many beers from Canada though.

Got a friend in Dubai at the moment, I've sked him for what beers you can get there, I'll be back with which ones I find nice.

Other than that, I could just say, try getting a few different beers of various styles, see what you like better.
Do you like it sweet, bitter, spicy, or what?

wow never knew theres differnet tastes for beer, well i think i'll choise sweet

and btw i've asked around, and it turned out that theres differnet kinds of vodka :S so i dont know which one i drunk, cuz i wanna have it again :(
Some of the beers available in Dubai according to my friend:

Heineken, Carlsberg, Stella, Guinness, Corona, Budwieser

Out of those, for my personal taste, only Guinness is worthy, and only because of lack of a better option.

But for a beginner to beer, I'd say try it and make your own opinion.

Start with Budweiser, an American pale lager that is pretty much tasteless.
Most likely contains large amounts of corn and/or rice as adjuncts.

Then go for Coronoa, a Mexican lager beer that for sure uses large amounts of corn as an adjunct. Start without putting the lime in, to have a feel for what you actually like (or nor) about the beer.
Then put the lime in as well, I think that makes it almost drinkable.

Next comes Heineken (Dutch, but brewed under licence pretty much everywhere), Carlsberg (Danish) and Stella Artois (Belgian), all standard pale, fairly cheap, lagers.
This (and its peers) I'm guessing is what 95% of the beer drinking population drinks when they order a beer.
I think they don't taste enough.

To finish off take a guinness, a black stout more bitter than the rest.
A lot of people say it makes you full to your stomach beacuse it is so "chewy" but it's only because they use a mix of co2 and nitrogen, it actually makes you burp and fart less than the standard lagers.
Guinness (at least if it is the "draught" version) don't taste a whole lot, I find it rather boring and very easy to drink.
But when given a choice of the remaining standard lagers, that is what I'd go for.

As mentioned above as well, the Samuel Adams range of beers are well worth trying.
For other American beers, I'd say try what you can find from the following breweries:
Great Divide, Brooklyn, Sierra Nevada, Left Hand, Flying Dog, Three Floyds, Rogue, North Coast, Oscar Blues and pretty much every Micro brewery you can find.

Happy hunting :)
I'm ashamed of you guys. All this talk of booze and not a single mention of mead?

Go find a place that sells mead, preferrably one that isn't too dicky about sampling so you can try out which kind you like best. You'll never want anything else ever again.
Stay the fuck away from cheap beer! Go for the good stuff, some of my favs are Sam Adams (all their beers), Arrogant Bastard Ale and almost any amber ale.

Well said! All the Sam Adams are awesome, except for the fruity ones. The Brown Ale and Winter Lager are prolly my favorite next to the regular Boston Lager. I also really like dark/amber beers. Some off the top of my head:
Rogue Dead Guy Ale
Becks Dark
Flying Dog Amber Scratch
Sam Adams
Negra Modela (I usually hate Mexican beer but this one is good)

There are shitloads more but those are the more common ones. I only drink beer, I had one too many nights of Jack Daniels pukefests and decided to stop drinking heavy liquor. Plus I don't like getting drunk to the point of being a fucking raging zombie anymore. But at your age, your going to have alot of those nights. :lol:
I'm ashamed of you guys. All this talk of booze and not a single mention of mead?

Go find a place that sells mead, preferrably one that isn't too dicky about sampling so you can try out which kind you like best. You'll never want anything else ever again.

I've tried perhaps 20 commercial meads and about 100 different home brewed (from a few weeks old ranging up to 20 years old).
Some have been very nice, some OK, some hardly drinkable (like beer I guess).

All in all, I have yet to find a mead that holds the complexity of the best beers I've tried though.
I'll keep trying mead, I even brew some myself now and then.
But I'll stick to drinking beer, and brew more of that as well.
It might have to do with the fact not I don't love honey all that much, I don't know, but I just like beer better.

But sure, the man should absolutely try it if given the chance.
Never EVER have the Swedish beer 'Norlands Guld', Worst beer ever. I first drank beer when i was 14, same day...... i got drunk twice. THAT was fun
I'm ashamed of you guys. All this talk of booze and not a single mention of mead?

Go find a place that sells mead, preferrably one that isn't too dicky about sampling so you can try out which kind you like best. You'll never want anything else ever again.

Damn straight. I didn't think I'd like mead when I first tried it, but it's awesome.

As for beer, I'd recommend Heineken.
Dude, Foster's is terrible, and I'm not even a beer drinker... Although I have tried a fair amount of beers including Fosters.

But I would recommend Jim Beam, Woodstock or Canadian Club (all bourbons). They are all great! Or even Bundaberg Rum! :rock:
You can't go wrong with Scotch. Just pour it over a ice. Let is set for about a minute to chill and breathe. Sip it slow. Since I live in America, I can't give you advice about beer. Our beer is nasty crap that is not even beer. Over here they brew it with all kinds of additives, perservitives and flavorings. If you are ever in Waldorf, Germany I would suggest Binding. The best beer I ever had.
Coke + good german Korn like Strothmann Weizen Korn it's a shame no one mentioned it before.
For beer I'd go for Krombacher which is from good old germany as well.