So? Anyone can help??

Talking about beers that would put you off beer- I guess that would not happen to me because I love nothing better, but I got this in my local microbrews and imported beers purveyor:

And it was so thick and bitter you would have needed a knife to cut it. I did not like it much, :lol: But if very bitter bitter is your thing and dont mind the fact that it tastes slightly like questionable chocolate... go for it.


I've rated over 3000 commercial beers over tha last 3+ years, that one I gave a 1.4 out of 5.0, placing it well deserved among my bottom 100 beers (when rating for preferred personal taste).

Though to serve the beer right, I'm 99% sure that the batch that went to Sweden was infected, my rating was:

50 cl bottle from Systembolaget. BB 021010. Slight hazy copper color, nice tan to light brown head. Acidic and smoke scent, perhaps some lemon. Acidic to sour taste, must be infected. Thin mouthfeel, low bitterness. Too bad. Heard this was a problem with part of this batch, since the batch of old smoked bock to Sweden was infected as well, sort of gives me the idea they have huge problems.

50 cl bottle from Systembolaget. BB 021010. Slight hazy copper color, nice tan to light brown head. Acidic and smoke scent, perhaps some lemon. Acidic to sour taste, must be infected. Thin mouthfeel, low bitterness. Too bad. Heard this was a problem with part of this batch, since the batch of old smoked bock to Sweden was infected as well, sort of gives me the idea they have huge problems.

Sounds about right. Got mine off Cornelius (an independent wine and beer seller, sells a lot of CAMRA supported stuff, so not like a bargain booze place anyway). Maybe the one I bought was off the tainted batch as well.

That stuff was such an odd flavour between sour and bitter, cannot be deliberate. Even if winterbrew is a relatively new concept to the UK (that was when I was curious about Christmas Ales and found I could not get imported ones), if that is what a UK winterbrew is going to taste like, I don't see it catching on. :lol:
nothin better than good old german beer!!!! Jever Dark for the fothermuckin win!!!! and Flensburger Dunkel... and Einbecker Uhrbock Dunkelll... awesome beers!!!!

You forgot


I'm American yes, but my German buddies can attest to this brew's awesomeness as well. Elixer ov teh godz.
Hell yes I looove Weißbier!!! Although I am in a minority, I have to admit. Lager crowds say it is too dark, the Ale and bitter brigade find it too light...

The only place where I have found decent Weißbiers on tap is a couple of pubs in Lancaster old town, lovely places too, even if it is in England

*awaiting backlash*
Weissbier can be lovely, but some of them are too boring as well.

Love the hefe and all the wiess bocks I've tried.
Ah the Schneider Aventinus, sooo nice!

Kristall and leicht are usually not to my liking, dunkel depends on which one.

Fresh in the Munich area it's just glorious with a cold hefe :)
nothin better than good old german beer!!!! Jever Dark for the fothermuckin win!!!! and Flensburger Dunkel... and Einbecker Uhrbock Dunkelll... awesome beers!!!!

I had forgot about how most excellent the Kulmbacher Eisbock is, had one a week ago and was reminded.
Now I have 5 in the fridge at home, awaiting that special occasion when I want one :)

And no, will not have them all on one night, that would just be a waste of good beer :p
Fresh in the Munich area it's just glorious with a cold hefe :)

Oh, yes, was in Munich for a month and tried some decent stuff there on a nightly basis. How I made it back to the place I had in Schwabing is more of a mistery, but I managed.

Aaaah being an undergraduate student... when lazing off all day and living on beer, pretzels and ritter sport chocolate is socially acceptable and does not make you put on weight...:goggly:
if you want some good beers, come to us Belgians, we know how to brew it
drink some Duvel, Amon Amarth always drink it when they're over here!
Oh i wish i could visit your homeland. Nah i just drink em over here, when i have money that is.
Chimay is about $10 bucks a bottle :erk: and Hoegaarden is $7.99 a 6 pack of 12oz.bottles.
$10!! wow, that's a lot of money to become pissed
around here I pay mostly around 2-3 dollars for chimay and hoegaarden is 8 dollars for 24 bottles:)
so happy that I live in this great (little) country:kickass:
Oh i wish i could visit your homeland. Nah i just drink em over here, when i have money that is.
Chimay is about $10 bucks a bottle :erk: and Hoegaarden is $7.99 a 6 pack of 12oz.bottles.

What??? That's extorsion :ill:

Yes, chimay is kick-ass. Red is much easier to find, blue is good too.

Bless those trappist monks they know a good brew. :kickass:

In Spain they make chocolate rather than beer. Amazing stuff too!!!
i feel like im an outcast in this thread, i never heard/tried almost all the stuff you guys mentioned!

Until I was 25 I really didn't give a shit about any beer that wasn't pale lager, so that you are hearing about them now and perhaps even trying one when you see it, will help you stay away from the cheap macro brewed swill I hope :lol:

That being said, when ppl do put up their favourite stuff here, take a look at the reviews on or to see if it sounds like something you'd like.
If so, keep your eyes open for it, while in Canada you might have to go to a speciality beer store and pay a lot more than for a millers light, but hey, if you end up liking it it's all worth it :)

See if you can find the canadian beers from

Dieu du Ciel



Tree Brewing
Oh yeah, my fav 10 Belgian beers :)

1 Cantillon FouFoune 4.4
2 St. Bernardus Abt 12 4.3
3 Lindemans Oude Lambik (Loerik) 4.3
4 Cantillon Soleil de Minuit 4.3
5 Chimay Bleue (Blue) 4.2
6 Hanssens Oudbeitje 4.2
7 Rochefort Trappistes 10 4.1
8 Abbaye des Rocs La Montagnarde (Ambree) 4.1
9 Rochefort Trappistes 8 4.1
10 St. Bernardus Christmas Ale 4.1

The number at the end is a rating out of a maxiumum of 5.0