wow i never knew throwing up makes u feel sooo good after heavy drinking, and u actually start to get sober after u do
btw some updates,
smirnof ice is fuckin amazing
smirnof vodka is hard to drink it neat, and i tend to break it with redbull
smirnof vodka with rasberry isnt bad, but its boring
jack daniles fuckin sucks
bascially any other whiskey i have tired sucks
i've tired some expensive ones, but all tastes the same
i've tried buds, henkin, and corana, out of those i would choise corana
i've tried coke with ram, it wasnt bad
i wanna try breezers theres this falv. with watermelon i really wanna try it
anyone of u guys heard of Arak? in arabic its 3erg ele rayan its arabian booz
its so kool cuz the moment u put lil bit water in it, it turns white lol i wanna try it