So? Anyone can help??

wow i never knew throwing up makes u feel sooo good after heavy drinking, and u actually start to get sober after u do

btw some updates,

smirnof ice is fuckin amazing
smirnof vodka is hard to drink it neat, and i tend to break it with redbull
smirnof vodka with rasberry isnt bad, but its boring
jack daniles fuckin sucks
bascially any other whiskey i have tired sucks
i've tired some expensive ones, but all tastes the same
i've tried buds, henkin, and corana, out of those i would choise corana
i've tried coke with ram, it wasnt bad

i wanna try breezers theres this falv. with watermelon i really wanna try it

anyone of u guys heard of Arak? in arabic its 3erg ele rayan its arabian booz

its so kool cuz the moment u put lil bit water in it, it turns white lol i wanna try it
i didn't get drunk for once this weekend just past. i had a grand total of two beers over the course of saturday night. sucks having exams on atm and being sick as well
I used to like Belgian beers and ales a lot when I started drinking. Chimay, Duvel, Leffe, the one with the pink elephants on the label, fruit lambics, that stuff.

On the other hand... Bacardi breezers... Ahmed that is what girls in the UK drink when they are too skint to afford a cosmopolitan and find themselves too classy to order snakebite. BTW- Snakebite is cider (draft cider like Strongbow, Magners or Chambers, not fake cider like White Lightning) with beer. Guaranteed to go to your head and get you aff yer tits in no time.
i dunno about that arabian stuff that was mentioned but a while ago my dad had a bottle of licorice tasting stuff that turned white if u put water in it.....thing is he got it for cheap because one side of the label was we never figured out what it was called. I seem to remember what was left of the label said something about south africa but i could be wrong about that
i dunno about that arabian stuff that was mentioned but a while ago my dad had a bottle of licorice tasting stuff that turned white if u put water in it.....thing is he got it for cheap because one side of the label was we never figured out what it was called. I seem to remember what was left of the label said something about south africa but i could be wrong about that

guess it could be Turkisk Raki, Greek Ouzo, or similar stuff.

Ugh... :Puke::Puke::Puke::Puke::Puke:

I'll give most things a go, but make me drink anything with aniseed in it (pastis, ouzo, sambucca, anisette, chinchón, you name it) and you've killed me, I go from happy drunk to depressive drunk and have the worst hangover the next day. I guess it is not a coincidence... but of the lot, pastis is the one that has the worst effects.. :hypno:

Edit: But I can drink stuff with anise in small quantities like Glayva, Drambuie and Chartreuse, as long as it is not the main ingredient...