So Dems are Tree Hugging Hippies Huh?


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
Alright, I am starting to get a little more than pissed with these allegations and overall crap being said about my party. So what does
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Lyndon Johnson
Woodrow Wilson·
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
James Polk
James Buchanan
Have in common? They were all democrat presidents that led this country into the most major wars that the United State have ever endured. So I am not quite sure where this tree huggin hippie bullshit is coming from that everyone keeps spouting off about. I think you have us confused with the Green Party. Now I hate jawas just as much as anyone here but the reason you keep hearing about Dems. being pissed about this war is because it is not being led the right way.. For example how does 350 metric tons of explosives just "disappear" ??????????? It is shit like that, that is causing us to "whine" because that is 350 tons of explosive that are going to be used to try and kill our soldiers. I also would like to clarify that Dems are not afraid of war as long as the strategy is clear and concise and puts our soldiers in as little danger as possible( there will be casualties..I know that. But Bush failed miserably at laying out his entrance and exit strategy for this war.)....Now MORE terrorist's are made every day that we are there...And if you think otherwise then you are smoking crack because if someone was in my country causing my family to get killed then you would become bitter also and fight anyone till the death if your family was threatened(at least I would) Even if we supposedly "liberated" the jawas as everyone keeps saying we did but truth be told they will never be liberated and they will continue to kill us and each other because that is all they know.AM I saying that I like jawas???? Absolutely not...Never have, but this war was not thought out or planned correctly in the least and that is why I am against it...Am I upset that Iraqi's are being tortured?? Nope. I think the military has to do what they need to do to since they are already there and there is really no turning back now and if it spares some American lives then so be it.....Fucking blow up Mosques, torture and maim if the military needs too, if thats what it takes to destroy the enemy then so be it. Like my Dad told me and I use it for how I live my life. "Do whatever it takes" so if someone gets stepped on then get the fuck out of my way. Also, if we truly took out Saddam because of his dictatorship and killing of Kurds and blahblahblahblah then why are we not even taking out the rest of the dictators that are in this world like Africa(talking about the rebel leaders-I.E. Sudan and Darfur) , China, Iran, ect.ect.ect.??????
Here is what us "tree hugging never want to go to war hippies" have been apart of. Hmmmm, seems like we lead pretty much all of the major wars

Thomas Jefferson: Tripolitan War, 1800-1805, against the Barbary pirates
· James Madison - War of 1812, 1812-1814, against the British
· James Monroe - First Seminole War, 1817-1818
· Andrew Jackson - Black Hawk War, 1832
· Martin Van Buren - Aroostook War, 1839; Second Seminole War - ended 1842
· James Polk - Mexican War
· James Buchanan - beginning of the Civil War
· Woodrow Wilson - WWI, 1914-1918
· Franklin Roosevelt - WWII, 1941-1945
· Harry Truman - conclusion of WWII, Korean War - 1950-1953
· John Kennedy - Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961; beginning of Vietnam War
· Lyndon Johnson - Vietnam War, Dominican Republic, 1965

So there you have it. Democrats are just as bloodthirsty as the Republicans and when we were threatened we did what we had to..Which is go to war. Jeez, seems like we are not as hippie like as everyone keeps saying we are.
Cryptkeeper said:
No, not all democrats are tree hugging hippes. But, I just have to say that I hate fucking tree hugging hippies!

I also hate tree hugging hippies they stink like potchuli and need to be kicked at any give chance.
"I Threw Hamburgers at PETA Members"





Speaking as a pretty far left liberal concerned about the environment, who worked for the Green Party mayoral candidate in SF, if you try to take my steak I WILL stab you. Vegetarianism is like the more benign religions–do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home, but don't force it on me.

Anyway, we're getting off topic. I agree with the topic post in a general sense; however, the Democrats let themselves be marginalized by basically bending over for the administration and calling them "Daddy" in the wake of 9/11. Bush pushed through the Patriot Act and this bullshit war because the Dems were too scared to oppose him. I'm not entirely happy with the "party of the left" right now.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Alright, I am starting to get a little more than pissed with these allegations and overall crap being said about my party. So what does
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Lyndon Johnson
Woodrow Wilson·
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
James Polk
James Buchanan
Have in common? They were all democrat presidents that led this country into the most major wars that the United State have ever endured.
If any of those guys were running today there would be no talk of Hippies, What John Kerry did in the late 60s ,early 70s was smoke dope, protest the war, burn and piss on american flags,accused the country of war crimes and since then has voted against numerous military budgets and today he claimes Bush had lied to the country about 300,000 lbs of high exsplosives THAT WERENT EVEN THERE WHEN THE WAR STARTED!!!!!
. He fit right in with the hippies........ his hippie mentallity that he has had since he was in Veitnam Hence John Kerry= Liberal,hippie, lie to your face, commie loving peice of shit
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Here is what us "tree hugging never want to go to war hippies" have been apart of. Hmmmm, seems like we lead pretty much all of the major wars

Thomas Jefferson: Tripolitan War, 1800-1805, against the Barbary pirates
· James Madison - War of 1812, 1812-1814, against the British
· James Monroe - First Seminole War, 1817-1818
· Andrew Jackson - Black Hawk War, 1832
· Martin Van Buren - Aroostook War, 1839; Second Seminole War - ended 1842
· James Polk - Mexican War
· James Buchanan - beginning of the Civil War
· Woodrow Wilson - WWI, 1914-1918
· Franklin Roosevelt - WWII, 1941-1945
· Harry Truman - conclusion of WWII, Korean War - 1950-1953
· John Kennedy - Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961; beginning of Vietnam War
· Lyndon Johnson - Vietnam War, Dominican Republic, 1965

So there you have it. Democrats are just as bloodthirsty as the Republicans and when we were threatened we did what we had to..Which is go to war. Jeez, seems like we are not as hippie like as everyone keeps saying we are.
not all democrats were blood thirsty, Clinton had the balls enough to launch a tomahawk missle from about 2000 miles away to get the #1 terrorist in the world.....Osama Bin Laden.

All that shit went down in somolia, instead of sending more troops and destroying those fucks, he pulled them out and let the warlords in that place continue with starving and tourturing all those people. Clinton enjoyed free love, like most hippies do..........hence Bill Clinton= Liberal Hippie shit

But Ill give democrats this........I made more money when clinton was in office than under Bush. the economy always florishes with a democrat in office. But with that health care plan Kerrys got, I think we would all be poor......... and think of all the spending that would get cut in programs like, Homeland defence, the FBI , The CIA and then it would trick down on a state level, state police and the local PDs would lose some. And liberals think our borders are open now? My god...................
"Hippies talk about saving the planet, but all they do is to smoke pot and smell bad."
Who said that? :lol:

PS I fucking hate Czech version of the Green party.
Thomas Jefferson was a democratic-republican. Andrew Jackson, if I know my history correctly, was the first Democrat president. Anyway, the only people on that list that probably would be democrats today (some of them would be republican, but I think some would be libertarian, like Jefferson) are FDR and Lyndon Johnson. And guess what? I don't really like either of them. Lyndon sucked at everything, and FDR was good during WWII but his domestic policy sucked, in my own humble opinion. He's the father of paternalistic government in this country, and I fucking hate paternalistic government.

God bless,

PS I like Zell Miller too, and I agree with John Kerry and the rest of the Dems when they say Zell is a democrat in name only.
Yeah the parties have changed alot on both sides since most of those presidents. I mean the KKK was a tool of democrat southerners to deter blacks from voting republican.
Evil Dead said:
Yeah the parties have changed alot on both sides since most of those presidents. I mean the KKK was a tool of democrat southerners to deter blacks from voting republican.
Yup. I heard somewhere that the reason Condy Rice is Republican is because her dad or granddad was kept from voting by a Democrat and he wouldn't let any of his family join that party.

God bless,
Hey good news, lets privatize healthcare, it will be good for all of us, Invest in ur own health with money that you dont have bcs u lost ur job to the guy who is telling u to invest in ur healthcare. That is the most retarded bullshit i've ever heard in my life...and then Bush had the balls to say that american healthcare was one of the best in the world....Canada, way ahead of the US, France one of the best in europe....others follow but the US are far far behind...u enter the hospital and the first question is "Visa or Mastercard?".....i think that they should actualy change the cross to Visa logo, it would make so much more sense.
Sorry that last post was off subject, but the war dialog is over for me. The US entered Iraq as Heroes but will certainly not leave that way. Just keep on killing while u are there, tax payers already paid for them bullets so dont let them go to waste!
CoverUinOil said:
Hey good news, lets privatize healthcare, it will be good for all of us, Invest in ur own health with money that you dont have bcs u lost ur job to the guy who is telling u to invest in ur healthcare. That is the most retarded bullshit i've ever heard in my life...and then Bush had the balls to say that american healthcare was one of the best in the world....Canada, way ahead of the US, France one of the best in europe....others follow but the US are far far behind...u enter the hospital and the first question is "Visa or Mastercard?".....i think that they should actualy change the cross to Visa logo, it would make so much more sense.

In fact, health care used to be almost entirely privatized. And the US had the best health care in the world. Only recently has the government decided that it could fix health care, and they have spent a steadily increasing amount on it, only to see prices go up. The problem with health care isn't enough government involvement, the problems are (1) too much government and (2) frivolous lawsuits.

Read that.
By the by, where did you get your information that says Canada and France have superior health care systems? Edit: I find that curious since in France like 10,000 old folks died because of a heat wave.

God bless,