SO!? Did everyone have a good 4th of July Weekend??


Mine was out of control fun - actually things have been pretty out of control since my vacation started a month ago. But sadly, grad courses start tomorrow, so I have to be a little more serious :D Anyway, my friends and I went out Wednesday night to our towns hottest karaoke spot. It was a hoot. Lot's of drunken hot chicks ruining already bad songs. Then I went to an "afterhours" party :OMG: Thursday my best buddy had a cookout/kegger/fireworks display at his sisters home. Way out in the boonies so you could do whatever (literally and figuratively) you wanted to do. Then, Friday I had my own rooftop party. Rooftop because you can see my towns fireworks from my roof, so we grill, swim, drink, and generally goof off until dusk, then brave my roof, then eat and drink until dawn. Saturday, we tried to behave, but still wound up having a couple of beers in Columbus as my friend was looking for some rare fish in a Columbus pet store and there was a Hoggy's Restaurant nearby. Finally, today some of my other relatives had a cookout. I was good and didn't drink a drop, but I made up for it by eating some ungodly health hazards - but they tasted good.
Twas the usual relaxing in the sun, playing in the water (ya gotta when it's 113 out!), burgers and dogs and then today WHAM! My car's fuel pump takes a crap. $210 for a new one. DAMN!!!!!!! Other than that, I enjoyed myself.
VitalMarcus said:
Didn't do anything. Had to work. God damn, I need to go back to college.

Went to see Anthrax at the London Astoria - and a damn fine time was had by one and all!!!!!
(including the guy with the headress which the band got up on stage during Indians - hahahahaha that was soooooooooo funny!!!)
I spent amost of my money fucking hermaphredidic hookers, Shot heroin and coke. drank a few bottles of 80 year old scotch and masturbated to show tunes.... Actually I went to an amusement park ate burgers and dogs and drank a few beers. AND DID NOT GET LAID ( but I did rub one out).
On the 4th, I brought some homebrew "American Weizen" up the mountian to my friend's wife's parent's house. Then we went to my friend's wife's sister's house and had bRaTs...I mean bratwurst.
I drank a lot of beer, and got really tired...
On Saturday, I played with myself.
One Man Stands,
I was up in your neck of the woods for the 4th. One of my college buddies is from Blooming Prairie, so all of us always get together in BP for the Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration every year. Lots of good food and fun. We rock out to Rambone (they might be out of Albert Lea) playing some Classic Rock on the 3rd, watch the 2 and 1/2 hour parade and the fireworks on the 4th. Great time had by all, every year.
ThraxDude said:
On the 4th, I brought some homebrew "American Weizen" up the mountian to my friend's wife's parent's house. Then we went to my friend's wife's sister's house and had bRaTs...I mean bratwurst.
I drank a lot of beer, and got really tired...
On Saturday, I played with myself.

Th|s|sNotAnEx|t said:
shot off a $800 set of fireworks !:OMG:

fucking cool man,its a great rush but a very expensive one!!!

me and the boys used to buy skyrockets and let them off all the time,its alot of fun setting them off,there is also a huge fine if u get caught which is another good reason not to do it anyomre!