so guys...who is the worst

Dec 8, 2005
I'm curious 2 know who you people think is the worst singer in prog metal, who is the worst twat? the choice is in your hands...

btw i vote for that Douche from Riverside
the douche from Dream Theater... the guy from riverside is kinda annoying
Weirdly enough LaBrie was being eyed for a position as lead vocalist by both Maiden and Judas Priest for a while...

Frankly, Geddy Lee still annoys the shit out of me.
I really enjoy a lot of Edguy's music but the vocals get too ridiculous at times.

And I wish the singer from Blind Guardian didn't sound like he had a helium tank up his ass, if his vocals were slightly lower I would really enjoy that band.
i chose this particular genre because 99% of the singers are embarassing, and they annoy the hell out of me, i don't know if you guys feel the same...i mean, Threshold, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Queensryche, Riverside, Pain of Salvation...probably the worst singers in the world are members of these bands iyam. I must confess that Gildenlow from Pain of Salvation is ok compared to the rest of the bunch though.
anyone, just not the guy from Riverside, who sounds just like a god, compared to 99% of all the prog-metal vocalists
i chose this particular genre because 99% of the singers are embarassing, and they annoy the hell out of me, i don't know if you guys feel the same...i mean, Threshold, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Queensryche, Riverside, Pain of Salvation...probably the worst singers in the world are members of these bands iyam. I must confess that Gildenlow from Pain of Salvation is ok compared to the rest of the bunch though.

Fucking... odd post. Gildenlow is among the worst of that bunch, and Symphony X's vocalist is pretty much the only good thing associated with that band. Most of the lyrics are pretty homosexual, but even I'll admit he's a decent singer.

Also I seriously never understood Geddy Lee's appeal

LaBrie's vocals approach the most annoying of any that I frequently listen to, but black metal shrieking is about 100x more aggravatingly homosexual
Fucking... odd post. Gildenlow is among the worst of that bunch, and Symphony X's vocalist is pretty much the only good thing associated with that band. Most of the lyrics are pretty homosexual, but even I'll admit he's a decent singer.

Also I seriously never understood Geddy Lee's appeal

LaBrie's vocals approach the most annoying of any that I frequently listen to, but black metal shrieking is about 100x more aggravatingly homosexual

Why odd? the guy from Symphony X sounds more one-dimensional, effeminate and super-affected than any power metal singer. At least Gildenlow has some variation in his voice, more personality, he is still a twat though, no question about it.
About Geddy Lee...the guy's got a powerful voice, truly emotional, he sounds NATURAL and disciplined...that is what is cool about his voice.
Geddy slays, listen to Time Stand Still or Marathon and tell me those vocal lines dont obliterate.

I never got the hate for Riversides singer, sure hes not the best but I thought he had a nice tone. *shrugs* I also dont mind a bit of Queensryche occasionally. I guess these types of bands dont use my favourite vocal style but it is quite tolerable for me and I can still enjoy the music.
Symphony X pretty much is power metal, to be honest, or possibly power-prog.

Geddy Lee just sounds too whiny for my tastes, but I'm sure he's done good stuff, and he's in an excellent band.
geoff tate is definitely not a bad vocalist. shame on you for mentioning his name in this thread.

as for the guy from riverside: his vocal range isnt that wide but his voice sounds good and not annoying to me at all.

The singer from Riverside just sounds like he is gagging on a soccer ball, honestly, he is just bad. Geoff Tate can be alright sometimes, like on Silent Lucidity, otherwise he gets on my nerves.