so has anyone ever..

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snakeey11 said:
I was too scared to watch the movie; thought it might freak me out. I did, however, listen to Shine on you Crazy Diamond while tripping one time. I was playing it on an Xbox, and I could SEE the music coming out of the visualizations on the TV...that's not even mentioning the fact that the spacey intro lasted for about 35 hours.

too scared? :lol: try watching House on Haunted Hill (remake) or The Cell....

besides, the perfect Pink Floyd album to listen to while fucked up has to be Ummagumma...
see, this is where people get ridiculous. to assume that everyone who does drugs, regardless of what kind, is simply doing them because they cant enjoy life without them is bullshit. You're telling me that cause i like to smoke every couple of weeks and listen to some tunes means that I dont enjoy music regularly?
no matt, that's not what they are saying. What they are saying is that since you choose to partake in such activities every once in a while, you can't deal with reality because you're too dumb and pathetic. Because that makes sense. Regardless of the fact that they have never met you, they know everything about you based on a small portion of your life.
Metalman7983 said:
what about sex, hugs :Puke: and rock n roll? Christian rock!!:rock:

haha i love the youth pastor on that 70s show

but seriously you talk about how shawn lane was great even though on hard drugs but can you imagine how much better he could have played sober. Im glad guitar players like michael romeo never did that crap he probablly couldnt have came up with some of those awesome riffs if he was addicted to hard drugs plus can you imagine seeing romeo have shitty performance at the level of guitar playing he is at it would sound like complete garbage, i mean shit one of my favorite gutiar players michael schenker was a hardcore drug user and alcoholic wasted years of his life, missed concerts, and had some really shitty performances while he was wasted. actually met him recently last year at a local show and he said that once he was sober he really started to enjoy playing guitar again it even got the point where he went bankrupt from some bad decisions on top of being a drug addict he ended up having to pawn his signature gibson flying V's can any of you imagine being so addicted to drugs that you go bankrupt and have to sell your guitar or drum or bass whatever i would rather die then go thru that.

IIRC, and I have hard copy print out at home, Schenker's notorious for falling on & off the wagon. His most recent bout with bakruptcy & homelessness was due to the fact his wife took their kid, and all his money back to wherever she was from. He's also been a victim of HORRIBLE management.
Schenker deserves much better, but he has to stay away from his demons to make it happen. Some people can do things in moderation, some can't.
When it comes to alcohol, there was no moderation with Schenker......

J-Dubya - Knows moderation, and sometimes exceedas it :heh:
Benighted1 said:
Smoked some pot then sat down in front of their speakers and just listened to the The divine wings of tradgedy or The Odyssey right through? (the songs, not albums)

I was blown away the first time I did that!:Smokin: :rock:

Well, I wish I could get some acid and listen to Christ0. No offense to the awesome releases of SX.

Yngvai X said:
Well, there were lots of reasons why he died in poverty...his manager stealing all of his money being the main reason.

My point in my earlier post was that there are plenty of great musicans and artists that took drugs. Just about every jazz musician I've ever met was a pothead. Hell, look at Miles Davis. Vai was coked up when he was going to Berklee, I could go on. Now I'm not condoning drug use, and I think anything harder than pot is bad news, but at the same time I'm not going to discredit a musician simply because he used drugs.

And while metal may not be a "pot heavy" genre or whatever, lets not forget the main metalhead vice - ALCOHOL - is shown to be more destructive than pot can be. No one seems to have a problem with that though :p

Finally a voice of reason in this thread! I don't condone it either, but I agree 100% with anything harder than pot being bad news. I've gone a couple steps further than pot in my 42 years on this planet, but for the last 15-20 of it, it has been the special occasion catch a buzz syndrome. I play guitar, and I KNOW I personally play worse than normal if I have a weed buzz, so I quit doing it before band practices/gigs.

As for pot and shows, I can only cite one example of not being able to remember all the details of a show due to my usage, and that was Van Halen's Women & Children First tour. Damned blond hash+weed+alcohol!
I don't NEED pot to have a good time, in life, or at a show, but MODERATED usage of it may enhance the experience. Just like drinking beer at a family gathering or a football game. Don't make pot out to be the equivialent of heroin, or coke. If I hear someone say it's a "gateway drug" again, I'm going to choke them to death with a bong. It's all about the individual involved. If little Bobby tries pot, and wants to do heroin, don't blame the pot, blame Bobby. Bobby will make it to heroin on his own, with or without pot.

The only part I disagree (sort of) with is Matt's statement about it not being part of the metal culture. I can't vouche for other countries, but here in the US, you'll still smell pot use at the bigger events. Smaller venue shows not so much. In metal's heyday you were walking into a cloud before the first act even went on.

So, without this post getting any longer, don't judge people based on past or even present usage. When done in moderation, it's no worse than beer. What's the worst thing that could happen if you smoke too much weed? You wake up on the couch with the TV blaring, a big emtpy bag of Doritos, and an empty box of HoHos on the floor. Oh, and probably a stomach ache! :lol:
I can't find one story about someone who beat their wife/husband while on pot, or killed somebody (non-car accident) while high on just pot. Can't say the same for alcohol. I won't even get into the medical uses here, especially for pain management & nausea.....

MrFast said:
Am I the only one in this forum who doesn't do drugs or have never done any previously?
No. I have neither and I don't EVER intend to.
I'll try not to sound preachy or something, as most pot users I've met in my life were intelligent, outspoken, tolerant people, but I've witnessed what regular, extended intake of pot can turn people into with a friend of mine. He didn't become an imbecile or anything like that, but his motivation to lift his ass for anything beyond lighting up the bong or turning on the Playstation has fallen below zero.
Then again, I've heard of people suffering severe hallucinations, paranoia, fear of dying etc. after using pot, though that was after inhalating the smoke through a breath mask used at hospitals. Kinda extreme, so my rant ends here.
I don't think pot can turn people from good to bad, but the effect of becoming lazy and unmotivated has been confirmed by a lot of poeple, also in this thread right here, so I'll give it my best to avoid weed (or any kind of drugs for that matter) as long and thoroughly as I can. I don't believe being stoned amplifies the quality of music you hear or produce, either... for instance, Rush and old Genesis were known for staying away from pot or LSD while writing music or playing on stage.

By the way, I can absolutely approve of Dubya's point on pot most definitely being present in the Metal/Prog scene. Surely it's hardly ever covered or propagated in music videos, songs or anything, but I've noticed the scent of pot (which I absolutely loathe) at every single concert I've attended more likely than not.
Benighted1 said:
Smoked some pot then sat down in front of their speakers and just listened to the The divine wings of tradgedy or The Odyssey right through? (the songs, not albums)

I was blown away the first time I did that!:Smokin: :rock:

Yep, at your birthday party a few years back.

Stoned and drunk, completly gone, cranking the Odyssey, the entire song.:kickass:

Blew my mind. I had to go throw up straight after. :Puke:

I'm not even going to get into the whole drugs arguement going on here.
All ill say is that poeple should stop being such pussies and experience things in life. You don't get hooked on drugs and ruin your life just because you smoke weed at the weekends.
Benighted1 said:
Smoked some pot then sat down in front of their speakers and just listened to the The divine wings of tradgedy or The Odyssey right through? (the songs, not albums)

I was blown away the first time I did that!:Smokin: :rock:

I pretty much gave up pot before either were released, but I have listened to both stoned drunk. It's funny that alchohol has given me a big belly, and got me in more trouble than marijuana ever thought about ha ha ha:kickass: but both are excellent. Both are two of the best songs ever written !!

However, pot,alchohol or whatever, I strongly suggest Accept's "Metal Heart" to you, especially the song "Too High to Get it Right." I hate to sound like "Mr. Oldschool" considering I started the Metal Church thread, because I really listen to more modern stuff than old, but on those days I get the wild hair up my butt and go butt wild with the alchohol, often times I wake up passed out at the computer with Accept blasting through the headphones. The intensity of that album is almost incomparable. But that album and if you don't like it, JW will give you $1000... right JW ? Seriously though. You really enjoying altered state of mind..... that is my strongest suggested release for you. The guitarist (Wolf Hoffmann) is also a true master and it dowesn't take a musician to realize that.

Lets just forget about the drugs for a sec...... I listened to the odyssey (the song) 4 times in a row once :). It didnt get boring though it was quite a strange experience cos it was really late at night and my frame of mind was all wacked from my tiredness. I only stopped cos i was falling asleep.

Drugs are bad m'kay!
Keith! said:
All ill say is that poeple should stop being such pussies and experience things in life. You don't get hooked on drugs and ruin your life just because you smoke weed at the weekends.
I have made some more experiences called "violent puking" in my life than I have ever asked for. Thanks for the advice. ;)
(I suppose MrFast will break into tears now that the 666 is gone.)
I never had an inclination to smoke dope or do any other kind of drug. I have enough problems keeping my mind in check as it is.

I've seen too many people decline, as others have reported, from brilliant, smart people into lazy POS's who can't get themselves away from the bong or the needle long enough to do anything in life.

I personally find no worth in dope. If somebody wants to go light up their life, let them. I do have myriad issues with the dumbasses in the car next to me on the freeway lighting up their bongs though. I would prefer they not put my life or anybody else's life into the mix when they decide to alter their own states.
Yngvai X said:
Well, there were lots of reasons why he died in poverty...his manager stealing all of his money being the main reason.

My point in my earlier post was that there are plenty of great musicans and artists that took drugs. Just about every jazz musician I've ever met was a pothead. Hell, look at Miles Davis. Vai was coked up when he was going to Berklee, I could go on. Now I'm not condoning drug use, and I think anything harder than pot is bad news, but at the same time I'm not going to discredit a musician simply because he used drugs.

And while metal may not be a "pot heavy" genre or whatever, lets not forget the main metalhead vice - ALCOHOL - is shown to be more destructive than pot can be. No one seems to have a problem with that though :p

I'm no drug user by any means, but I agree. I fail to see how smoking weed would affect guitar performance. I mean obviously if you play WHILST STONED, but otherwise no.

Playing on a hangover can be horrible though, that I will say.
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