I want you guys to know that I fucking called it.
Seriously, this attitude sickens me a little bit. Last time I checked this is a community of mostly open minded, intelligent people so why, pray tell, do people resort to calling the lesser knowns whiny and jealous and tell them repeatedly that "it's just the way things are" and insinuate that the sooner they bend over and let Satan fuck them up the ass, only to immediately back off when a pro expresses the exact same opinion?
Stop being a bunch of fucking hypocrites and start acting like mature, intelligent, free thinking adult individuals.
I mean, Jesus look at Steve Albini. When was the last time you saw him say anything good about the industry? Yet he's not suffering from a lack of money, commercial respect, critical respect, or underground respect. He's LIVING FUCKING PROOF that you can bitch about the industry and do things on your own damn terms without having to record a thousand crabcore bands to try and make a name for yourself.