So how much would you guys pay for...


Oct 21, 2002
... the BWP park vinyl.Your maximum amount.also take in to account that this has been sold on its own for just under £200 on ebay.So thats quite alot.

I just found a copy for £50 online.Do you think thats a good buy?
Why are there Opeth vinyl's or current music on vinyl anyway? Does anyone here even have a record player, or if they do, does it work? My guess is that is a way to rip off metal fans by selling a product that fans already have, just in a different format for ancient technology. The reason they can get away with it is metal fans are passionate for the music, and many of the fans are also avid collectors. Am I wrong here, are there any qualities of vinyl that I'm unaware of?
I think it is rather silly to pay so much for an album that is so easy to get in another medium. Now had blackwater park NOT been released abroad, nor been put on cd...then i think it would be a good purchase at a price like that.
why am i a fag just cause i think that music should be listened to, not collected for the sake of it, or bought for the purpose of selling it later on? and i agree - its just the record labels way of ripping you off. cd are much superior quality unless you have a pefect set up with no dust and a perfectly kept LP, which never happens, plus they are more portable.
Miller High Death said:
Why are there Opeth vinyl's or current music on vinyl anyway? Does anyone here even have a record player, or if they do, does it work? My guess is that is a way to rip off metal fans by selling a product that fans already have, just in a different format for ancient technology. The reason they can get away with it is metal fans are passionate for the music, and many of the fans are also avid collectors. Am I wrong here, are there any qualities of vinyl that I'm unaware of?

vinyl has the potential for a better sound.
vinyl sounds better if it was originally released on vinyl (i.e. pink floyd, beatles, etc...) newer stuff that goes directly to cd sounds about the same on vinyl as cd... at least that's my experience with records... i have wish you were here on vinyl and it sounds an assload better than it does on cd... just my 2 cents
Vinyl, since it's obviously groves in a peice of vinyl, has the tendency to sound quite different. The sound produced by a vinyl is much softer (not in volume, but in sound) due to the fact that each 'bump' engraved on the disc is actualy round. This probably doesnt mean much for most people, and it doesnt change much as far as the sound goes, but there's an air of authenticity you only get when listening to a record on vinyl.
ShroudOfDusk said:
Vinyl, since it's obviously groves in a peice of vinyl, has the tendency to sound quite different. The sound produced by a vinyl is much softer (not in volume, but in sound) due to the fact that each 'bump' engraved on the disc is actualy round. This probably doesnt mean much for most people, and it doesnt change much as far as the sound goes, but there's an air of authenticity you only get when listening to a record on vinyl.
Exactly,it sounds very warm and like you already said,it sounds more "authentic".

But its not just the sound quality that makes you want to buy vinyl.Its the fact that the packaging is much nicer along with the artwork being...well...alot bigger.Its much nicer to look at.

I can see all of your points about not wanting to waste money,which is fair enough.And someone here said that most metalheads who collect vinyl wont even have a record player to play it on,which is true also(i actually have one though).So you can be easily steered away from it,or just generally not bothered about it because like you said "its just another medium to play music on".But i guess i like it so much because my dad has about 800+ 60's,70's and 80's vinyl from loads of artists like the beatles,zeppelin,sabbath,floyd,the stones,tom petty,stevie ray vaughn,king crimson and loads of stuff in between.And if you look through it,its so much more interesting than a cd.

Who knows.But lets stick to the point.Do you think i got it for a good price?
These days, It's a pretty reasonable price. Three years ago... you could've done a lot better.

But yeah, like you're saying about vinyl... it realy comes down to a 'romantic' affinity for the old records. You dont buy a record for better sound quality... you buy it because it's got that certain quality you cant describe.