So I just finished my 7th day in a row of an 8 day fucking bender. What now?

What Would NAD Do?

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What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I've pretty much been drunk for a week, and tomorrow night I'm going to hang out with my old drummer and the band to see if we can reconcile some shitz and get our fucking album recorded and start playing shows.

How should I celebrate such an occasion?
call some large babies ...

BTW ... I did not realize RC is so busy in the wee hours of the mornign.
it's fucking 5 am in NYC
Erik said:
I chose the option with THRASH METAL TERROR in it
Specifically, I put Megadeth, Testament, and Slayer, but UM said OMG YOU SUKK NO MORE THAN 100 CHARHAHKHTAKRES or some bullshit. But yeah, I knew you'd approve. :D
lurch70 said:
BTW ... I did not realize RC is so busy in the wee hours of the mornign.
it's fucking 5 am in NYC
Where the fuck where you yesterday!? I was posting at 4am my time, 7am yours! God damn this week has been like my college days all over again!
Where the fuck where you yesterday!? I was posting at 4am my time, 7am yours! God damn this week has been like my college days all over again!

dude, unlike you young bucks ... i can really only hang out on weekends late ... weekdays I need to sleep early.
just got back from this joint and I am kicking back some Sam Adams in my pad now.
Young bucks, dude I'm heading toward 30 myself right now! Fuck me, getting old sorta blows, but right now it's at least a state of mind. I say "oh man, I'm old as fuck" but tonight I was drinking from the pitcher at the local pub, then went back and moshed in my bro's garage to Lamb of God, Morbid Angel, and Queens of the Stone Age.

Shit, I need some fucking smokes. YES, I have 3 more in my glove box in the car, hopefully I can stumble out there without maknig otoo much of fsnccsaldkfj;sldf of a scnee. Yeah.
hahaha /// I am 34 and feel like 18 ... age is a state of mind ...
I can blend in like a chameleon ... like at this place I went tonight ... was a Brazilian dance place.... I got all douched up ... Morbid angel ... I like to throw that on the car stereo to unsuspecting victims
bizEYEtrick: No way, did you just sign on when I'm drunk as poo?
la temperanzaXIV: haha i did, but i'm not here for long
bizEYEtrick: I'm on day 7 of an 8 day bender right now, I feel like my college days are being relived (shit, is that even a word? too drunk)
la temperanzaXIV: sounds good!
bizEYEtrick: It's at the point where I'm planning the 8th day of being faded, that's pretty bad. Then next weekend is my bday so I'm sure to be hosed then as well. I'm a corporate whore by day, drunk bastard by night. Not sure if I'm proud of myself or denying some deep seeded problem.
bizEYEtrick: Nah, it's pride. :)
la temperanzaXIV: haha :)
la temperanzaXIV: all right adrian, i hate to cut it so short but i've got to get to bed. i'm getting up relatively early for the belgian fest tomorrow
la temperanzaXIV: it's a bummer you won't be able to make it
bizEYEtrick: Have fun and drink a buttload of ale for me, we'll get drunk together some other time. :)
la temperanzaXIV: absolutely :-D
la temperanzaXIV: goodnight
la temperanzaXIV signed off at 2:14:37 AM.

I seriously have to hook up with this chick, haven't even met her yet. I'm bizEYEtrick by the way.
My best was consuming a 750mL bottle of 80 proof scotch in one sitting, and being able to function. Did it twice actually, hope to never do that again.
spaffe said:
Seems to be a cool chick since I first thought you were posting a conversation with you brother :D
hahahaha, my friend that introduced me to her calls her NADette. :D
Pint of SOuther COmfort in about 20 minutes .... 16 years old ... puked on club bouncers shoes .... twice ... get thrown out of club ... western movie style