So I just finished my 7th day in a row of an 8 day fucking bender. What now?

What Would NAD Do?

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lurch70 said:
why are you not going to that belgian fest ... niguhhh???
Too far, it's in fucking Carlsbad which is like a 2 hour drive from here. Driving 2 hours is not big deal, but driving 2 hours drunk as fuck is pretty shitty. Done it before, don't really ever want to repeat that scenario. :hypno:
Tequila makes me pretty unruly.

That reminds me, I should drink some whiskey right now. :Smokedev:
I would love to try absinthe someday. I've only done hallucinagens (sp?) a few times in my days, and only by accident. God damn wacky weedus that we didn't know was laced until we were stoned as fuck and noticed the wallpaper was moving.

Being 15 years old ruled!
there is fake Absinthe in the liqour stores here .. a 130 proof version ... French ... about $50 a bottle ...
i got half a party completely fucked last Haloween on it
I want the real shit, if I'm going to go crazy on some massive strength alcomahol I'm going Bacardi 151. And in all honesty, I hate that shit.

I still maintain that the taste of liquor is the best part, catching a buzz is secondary to the flavor. If all I cared about was getting hosed I'd drink Chudweiser and Gortons, whatever was cheap to fuck my ass up!

But getting fucked up at a Halloween party = win, done that many times. Even professed my love to some chick in front of her whole family once, it ruled. Except I never scored with her tight bod god dammit!!!!!!!11kj;13l :shit:
WOO just poured some whiskey. Oh man, tomorrow is the first chance I'll have to sleep in the past week or longer, I'm going to enjoy this! [/Mayor Quimby's nephew]
Not really. I've been sleeping around 4 hours a night all week actually, but when I work all day and drink all night, that just isn't enough.

Longest I've stayed awake with zero sleep is only like 48 hours, which really isn't that long. I've always wanted to try a 3-day session but don't have the time honestly. Someday!
Erik said:
That said, I really need to try that shit, if nothing else it's green and green is cool.
Pretty much, yeah. Like the whiskey I'm drinking right now, Glenlivet 12 year scotch comes in a green bottle, GOOD SHIT.

Fuck, I drank about 14 beers tonight and this one little glass of Glenlivet is pushing me over the edge of passing the fuck out in quick fashion. Mtooro skills lacking....... ability to concentrate fading.......... better put on Boondock Saints soon............. but Morbid Angel is still playing. :rock:
Yes it is, even the modern fake stuff (I think). Classified as a narcotic over here. Typical political bullshit, same reason why Cuban cigars are illegal because of Big Nasty Commie Castro and weed because the tobacco industry is scared.

There are easy outlets to get it from though, I just haven't done it yet. Pretty pricey if I remember right, I researched it awhile back.
Erik, please report back results. Profanity, you too. :)

On that note, I REALLY want to try peyote especially given my love for the desert. That shit you pretty much have to set aside a week for getting fucked up properly on that fun stuff.

Sobriety rules but GOD DAMN drugs are fun.
Erik said:
Yeah, that page even says you can go down to your local Tesco in UK and buy a bottle. Go for it, then post stories of your exciting adventures.

You're missing my point.

The Absinthe you can buy in the countries where it's legal doesn't contain the active ingredient of wormwood like the drink used to in Van Gough's day.
Absinthe is good, but its just like being reallyrealylreallyreally drunk, but still somhow being able to have epic conversations and massivly articulated speech...thats the way ide describe it. Its not like OMGWTFTHEWALLSAREMOVINGHAHAHAHSWEET. I drink it here lots, and drank it in some dingy underground basement pub in Prague, that was fucking rad. Czech absinthe tastes like liquorish rocket fule though, haha.