So I want to go to Wacken for 2008....where to get started?


I am a leaf on the wind
Sep 18, 2006
Everywhere and nowhere
My gf and I want to go to Wacken for 2008. Going to hotel it the first time. My gf loves camping, but on a trip like this, is going to bring too much crap with her, so a hotel it is.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a hotel they have stayed at? Obviously one close enough that has a shuttle of some kind.
my friend actually had this article written up by someone, it was called a wakken how-to guide or something. it was very long.
I recommend getting a hotel in Itzehoe, it's not too far to drive from there. I also suggest getting one early, as it's a small town and there are a lot of festival attendees.
The idea of Wacken appeals to me, but I don't like the idea of it being an outdoor festival. For some reason I just want to attend a festival/concert in comfort and not have to worry about a bunch of drunks slingin' mud at me.

Here's a link I referred to a few times .. lots of good info in here. It's a few years old now, but pretty much everything in here is still relevent.

By the way my group stayed at a hotel in Itzehoe. We had a rental car, and drove the 15 or 20 minutes to and from the fest each day/night. It worked out okay for us, seeing that none of us really care much for camping. There are busses that go from Itzehoe to Wacken, but a rental car is probably the way to go if you plan to do the hotel route. Chances are you'll be flying in to Hamburg, or one of the major cities, so you'll pretty much have a use for getting a rental car anyway.


P.S. Brian, the people at Wacken were pretty well behaved for the most part. I never saw any mud slinging, fights, or stuff like that. The worst things the drunks were doing was pissing along the side of the fences instead of waiting in line for a port-a-shitter.
camp =p

Never been there. Have a good time though! I hope to go one year!
Camping isn't my thing (I stayed in a hotel in Itzehoe), but they do have a good shower setup from what I've been told. It's a conveyor type system .. probably not for the easily embarrased, but fairly functional from what I've heard. At least you can be clean if you so choose.

It looked to me like a lot of people just went without bathing for a while, but suprisingly I didn't come across tons of B.O. The campgrounds though smelled like death by festival's end, and it looked a bit like a landfill as well.

If I was to do the camping thing I would want to have some sort of motor home, camper, or something along those lines. My ideal thing would be to aquire lodging in the town of Wacken, but I think that would be pretty hard to attain unless you were a local, or had an "in" with someone.

I think half of the Wacken experience is camping and not showering for 4 days. There's a saying at Wacken: "Duschen ist kein heavy metal!". It was a lot of fun, despite how disgusting you feel after 4 days without a shower.
I agree that camping would be the most in the spirit of the festival, but probably not happening for the first trip. There are still a few things that could derail the whole trip, but I'm going to try and put plans together in the next week or two.
I am a total wuss! :P
I stayed in Hotels everytime I attended a festival in Europe.. ahah I don't care how much of the experience I miss, I'd rather shower. :p

Never attended Wacken, but all other festivals I attended had Shuttles to nearby towns/hotels.. If I am not mistaken, the company that did the shuttle thing for the Earthshaker festival also did it at Wacken... The company was called "brothers of metal tours" :kickass:
I've camped at outdoor festivals before, for over 8 days, and I LOVED it! The grounds were serviced very well and the people were pretty well behaved for the most part, but the best part is the "community" feeling! Well, actually the best part is not having to deal with traffic or getting lost on the way to/from the show! haha! I'm not sure about camping without being familiar with the area or facilities. I'm pretty sure I'm sold on camping though :D
Didn't go to Wacken, but camping at Kvinesdal was awesome, even with the rain. Of course, the nearest town is a bit away and there are no shuttles, but I'd definitely be up for camping at other fests. I just have to go for just them. :D
The idea of Wacken appeals to me, but I don't like the idea of it being an outdoor festival. For some reason I just want to attend a festival/concert in comfort and not have to worry about a bunch of drunks slingin' mud at me.


That would happen if you went to a crap festival like Ozzfest, in America. IT rained almost the whole time when I first went in 2005 and never once got mud flung at me, nor did I see any thrown. THey are more respectful over there than they are over here.
I think half of the Wacken experience is camping and not showering for 4 days. There's a saying at Wacken: "Duschen ist kein heavy metal!". It was a lot of fun, despite how disgusting you feel after 4 days without a shower.

Then ich bin kein heavy metal. :P Shower = civilization. I prefer the motto I learned at Sweden Rock :D:
<img src="" alt="Shaye knows about rock." />

Btw, how early do you really have to book? I'd love to go, but I really wouldn't be able to decide until at least after the first of the year.
