So I want to vent and pout like an impotent jerk....

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
So I don't know where else to put this out there, but Jesus times are hard right now.

I just lost a father figure in my life last week and its been hell ever since. I took my dog last week to have her teeth cleaned and they found a tumor the size of a pecan in the back of her mouth. Something we would have never found had they not been checking her teeth that day. Every since then its been hell. She has become sick and well honestly, things just aren't looking good for her.

Mentally I am completely lost right now. I can't begin to comprehend what its going to be like losing this dog, as she has basically been like a little furry daughter of mine. Its like when it rains it pours sometimes. I know it can't rain all the time but geez a little spot of sunshine would be nice. Anyways sorry the random "feeling sorry for myself post"

Take care guys,
Sorry to hear that man!

I worked at a vet for about a year, and I saw many, many dogs come through with tumors, and I can tell you that they usually push on with their strong will. I don't remember having any dogs succumb to their tumors. Usually it was a nice, quick and painless surgery, and the pups would be out the door happy and healthy as ever. Hope she pulls through for you!

What did the vet tell you about it, btw? Is it cancerous?
Yeah I appreciate the kind words. Its hard bc she has cancer. So its not as simple as just removing the tumor. She actually just beat out mass cell cancer. I am hoping maybe its just the medicine making her feel weird, but of course the worst is in the back of my mind at all times.
Man, I'm really sorry Kyle, that's awful that both had to happen, and in such close proximity to one another. Hope she pulls through dude!
Kyle, all the best to you and your dog. I had 2 ferrets die on me 1 month apart. May not be a dog but it hurt all the same. I don't even want to think of my 2 dogs . . . too sad to think about.

Part of life. Again, I'm sorry. Stay strong!
Medicine can make dogs feel a little iffy at times, but they are strong animals. They don't like to mope around, they'd rather get back on their feet and live. Just hope for the best and realize these two things, just like if your dog were a person:

1. If the quality of life is maintained, she will live and continue to be a large part of yoru life where you can love and interact with her.

2. God forbid she gets very ill, you make the ultimate sacrifice to let her stop suffering, which she will appreciate more than you'll ever know.

I remember when I was 10 and lost my pet frog that I got through the mail... you know, the ones that never live. I cried for a good two hours. It sucked.

I know an animal can be even more moving emotionally than a person a lot of the time, just hope for the best.
dogs are a member of the family. I`m sorry to hear about that. the saying goes "when it rains it pours" but things will look up! its hard to see that when your in the dumps. but whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger!

you seem like a pretty solid guy man! I dont know what i would do in your shoes. Your a very strong person!