So I'm seeing The Passion of The Christ tomorrow night...

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
at the Arclight...
I've been looking forward to this movie due to all the controversy, and the fact that Mel Gibson is staking his career and a lot of money in this movie... plus, he's a good director
If I become a Catholic again (went to an all-girl private Catholic school for 8 years) and start talking nonsense in here... kill me... 'k?:wave:
Keyser Soze said:
at the Arclight...
went to an all-girl private Catholic school for 8 years
Great insight into you! I've known several gals who went to Catholic school and how they are all left with a rebellious streak! :headbang: They have actually become some of my closest friends. I only have one year of Catholic school to my name.

Enjoy the movie!!!!
I suffered through 6 years of Catholic school AND 4 years at a Baptist school. The Baptists denouncing Iron Maiden around 1982 was the first time I'd heard of the band.
The only reason I went to Catholic school was because my parents hated the regular school system in Argentina. I was a great student, which allowed me to get away with a lot of stuff... like hiding the keys to the little chapel... we missed mass for a week :)
i will see it ass well. i'm glad its been made and to see Mel do this is great. I am not glad to see the attacks that this will bring apon people who believe, but thats what its like when you believe , you WILL be attacked.
Mel has stood up and said i believe and knows he will be attacked for this film....but made it anyway and said attack all you want...i dig that.
Same here Steph, I want to see this too and it's not because the controversy, etc. It just looks like a well made film, go figure.
I had a friend go see this Monday night. Her mother's church arranged a special screening where they just rented the theater. She said it was very intense and graphic. All of the diabolical tortures that people used to suffer were shown. She said the message was those were tough and cruel times for people and it tried to show, according to biblical and historical accounts, what Christ went through and why it was such a big deal. I might see it after the crowds die down :D
I went to see this last night at midnight, at the Arclight. I think myself and my group, were some of the very few not there for religious reasons.
Ok... it is going to take me a few days to get over what I saw.
It is an EXTREMELY violent film, but it is beautifully photographed and some shots are nothing short of genius. If you go see it... keep in mind raindrops.
I guess I went with the wrong frame of mind because of Gibson's own beliefs, and pretty much looked for the anti-Semitism (which I found... and understood). But after having a long talk with my friend (movie's about 2 hours long... I got home at about 3 last night), I saw it from a historical point of view and in that sense... I forgave him.
That movie is NOT something I want to go through more than once. Maybe Gibson set out to shock people with this movie to really get people to talk... if so... he succeeded.
to have read the times of Christ and then to put it to visual has always been heart gripping to me. i have seen many movies of Jesus but none have effected me like this. Mel i believe wanted to drive home the pain of what Christ went through and he did it. I felt it, second time a Gibson film made me cry, the man has some passion boy! i salute him for his work and i hope the DVD has the making of POTC and interviews with Mel.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but being a Christian myself I must say that I'm more than intrigued. Yeah, okay the movie might be violent, but to be executed by crucification was supposed to be extremely cruel. The Romans used it to plant fear in the hearts of those people they had subdued and that is what they did.

Being born under Roman occupation Jesus must have known very well what was waiting for him, but he was willing to pay the price for us all.

Well, okay, I don't think that I'd recommend the movie to children, but it sounds like a very good reminder that we better stay a bit more humble at the face of the generous gift that Jesus gave to us on the cross.
Dare Devil said:
I haven't seen the movie yet, but being a Christian myself I must say that I'm more than intrigued. Yeah, okay the movie might be violent, but to be executed by crucification was supposed to be extremely cruel. The Romans used it to plant fear in the hearts of those people they had subdued and that is what they did.

Being born under Roman occupation Jesus must have known very well what was waiting for him, but he was willing to pay the price for us all.

Well, okay, I don't think that I'd recommend the movie to children, but it sounds like a very good reminder that we better stay a bit more humble at the face of the generous gift that Jesus gave to us on the cross.

very well said dude, excellent points!
No... no kids!
I had enough of a hard time with it...
I woke up with this intense feeling in my heart the next day... a sort of... heaviness that lasted most of the day... It may have been all those years as a Catholic coming back to haunt me...
Keyzer, I haven't seen The Passion yet, but I probably will. I went to Catholic School for 12 years. Though I know what you must mean by having a heavy heart. I'll probaby end up going to Mass again every Sunday if I watch it...
Just saw the film. I appreciated the fact that they tried to be as historically accurate as possible, but I wish they would have made it a half hour longer with a little more background. I don't think the flashbacks of his life that they showed were enough. Anyway, in all, it seemed a little too much like a "snuff" flick...where one just sees someone killed and that's pretty much it. I know that the events shown were, for the most part,what happened back then...but it would have been nice if they would have elaborated a bit more with the flashbacks/background/what happened afterwards.
I too saw the movie and noticed the same thing, alot of torture (blood), with less emphasis on his life. I still think Jesus of Nazareth (TV miniseries) was the best of em all, that movie dealt with it all.
Keyser Soze said:
Best movie about Jesus and his time? "Life of Brian" :)
hahahhaha I was sooooo expecting them to break out into "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" during the crucifixion scene (bad mel). The Life of Brian rules!!

But I thought the movie was great. Being a fan of ancient history (wheeee it was fun to try and understand what the Romans were saying without reading the subtitles) and having taken a course on the history of the new testament, I thought it was a great sort of "day in the life" slice of history. And it was pleasantly not preachy or presumptuous.

The Satan character was pretty kewl, too. Sly, wicked, watching...

Of course, I'm looking forward to the upcoming movie on Troy... that will REALLYYYY get my Classixxx geek jollies going....
I have to see this movie... probably next week. I think I've seen every Jesus movie, except "Last Temptation". I have the sound track thought.

So far the best one was the ABC mini-series. That one covered a lot of the history... from the Cradle to the Grave... and Resurrection. Anybody remember the "In Search of" series? That documentary was pretty cool... it dealt with "the shroud".