so it's come to this...cubase questions....


Protools Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
Ok so as some of you may or may not know, I'm an avid Protools user. I love protools I use it every day during my actual job and have been doing so for the last oh 8 years.

However as of late, I've been doing alot more work on my laptop, and have become quite frustrated with PT. It's horrible at managing processor power, no freeze track and no real VST support (I have a wrapper and I'd say about 60% of the plugs work maybe).

So I've been F@cking around with Logic/Nuendo/Cubase/Ableton/Reaper and have come to the conclusion that I prefer Cubase the best for what I need. I'm going to be using this strictly for mixing...essentially importing fixed audio from PT to mix and here's so questions for all you Cubase users:

1. Which version should I get. I don't care about soft synths or midi features, all I care about are MIXING related stuff...and tuning applications possibly as well.

2. Anyone here running Cubase on a mac? Problems.

3. What are the must have VST plugs for Cubase that I may not be aware off (waves SSL would not fall in this category!)

Thanks for your help!
i switched over from nuendo 3 to cubase 5 - timestretching has gotten worse in 5... glitches all over the place.

the great thing is variaudio. you can basically tune every track in place,
no autotune or melodyne any more !

Vari Audio is amazing and very intuitive.

if you dont care for that vari audio thing (which for me makes cubase THE DAW)
i would go for Nuendo 3 or SX 3. Cubase 4 hasnt really come up with anything
that would be worth the extra money.
Yeah I don't do any time stretching so I'm not too worried about that, and I do have autotune and melodyne but I kind of did want that vari audio just to check it out.

Where can you even get the old versions of cubase or nuendo anyways?
for what it's worth, i have never had any problems with timestretching though I hardly use it and I have not had any problems with it.

i would just buy Cubase 5. When you have it, I believe, if you wanted to, you can download previous versions from your steinberg account. (Not sure why you would want to use an older version, especially SX3.)
studio doesnt have

- revernce , the new ir reverb,
- no control room
- no vst 3 eq (i never used that one...)
- no 5.1. support

and tons of minor differences...

there is a list on steinbergs page, that compares features
1. Which version should I get. I don't care about soft synths or midi features, all I care about are MIXING related stuff...and tuning applications possibly as well.

Cubase5 (or at least 4)
not "studio"'s missing too much essential shit.

2. Anyone here running Cubase on a mac? Problems.

I used to (before I made the switch to PT HD) and it's as stable as PT.

3. What are the must have VST plugs for Cubase that I may not be aware off (waves SSL would not fall in this category!)
the cubase studio EQ and multiband are actually really nice, also the roomworks reverb for drums (dirty reverb)...I used to use the cubase plugs quite a lot.
for 3rd party vst...everything you liked in PT.
just get the native versions of your favorite plugs.
definitely get hte MH Channelstrip of course