So, lots of the STICKY threads have been removed...

Uh-oh. It's a battle of the waistlines! :lol:

J, I just noticed you had Laethora in your sig, nice! Does that mean I might get to meet you goofballs at the Dark Tranquillity show?

I love Dark Tranquillity. The problem is that gig is in the middle of my NEXT month end close. Therefore, not sure if I can make it.

Bob does not like them if I recall. I actually wasn't too fond of Character, though Damage Done is one of the best Gothenburg releases, IMHO.

I have Laethora in my sig because it is a split banner with Nov Doom.
(geeky street team stuff, and showing support for my homies).
I actually have not heard Laethora yet. The End was supposed to send me their disc, but haven't yet.
I love Dark Tranquillity. The problem is that gig is in the middle of my NEXT month end close. Therefore, not sure if I can make it.

Bob does not like them if I recall. I actually wasn't too fond of Character, though Damage Done is one of the best Gothenburg releases, IMHO.

I have Laethora in my sig because it is a split banner with Nov Doom.
(geeky street team stuff, and showing support for my homies).
I actually have not heard Laethora yet. The End was supposed to send me their disc, but haven't yet.

Ahhhh, bummer! I personally will be there extra early. I'm takin' a half day off for that show. :kickass: How did I know that Bob wouldn't be into DT...hehe. Damage Done is definitely a killer disc. I hear that the new one has some elements of Projector.

I've heard some Laethora...definitely more deathy/thrashy than DT. Sounds killer...though I don't own the disc yet. It's on my list!
Ahhhh, bummer! I personally will be there extra early. I'm takin' a half day off for that show. :kickass: How did I know that Bob wouldn't be into DT...hehe. Damage Done is definitely a killer disc. I hear that the new one has some elements of Projector.

I've heard some Laethora...definitely more deathy/thrashy than DT. Sounds killer...though I don't own the disc yet. It's on my list!

If I get out of work at a decent time then I might try to hit it up.
These are times I REALLY miss living in the city.
I used to live spitting distance from the Metro.
I used to pop into shows all the time even if I couldn't make it until the headliner since I lived so close.
If I get out of work at a decent time then I might try to hit it up.
These are times I REALLY miss living in the city.
I used to live spitting distance from the Metro.
I used to pop into shows all the time even if I couldn't make it until the headliner since I lived so close.

Good! Hope to see you there! That is a cool spot to live in, but I do not miss living in the city at all. I'm a suburban gal. I used to live around Belmont and Central. Too much traffic, too expensive and too crime ridden! The city is always there when I need it. :)
Ahhhh, bummer! I personally will be there extra early. I'm takin' a half day off for that show. :kickass: How did I know that Bob wouldn't be into DT...hehe. Damage Done is definitely a killer disc. I hear that the new one has some elements of Projector.

I've heard some Laethora...definitely more deathy/thrashy than DT. Sounds killer...though I don't own the disc yet. It's on my list!

I dont like Dark Tranquility....I have a few disc and they do nothing for me. I like alot of bands like them...but for some reason just can get into them
My 2 fav DT discs are definitely THE GALLERY and DAMAGE DONE.
Unfortunately, I have never seen them live
(Though I know they have been here a couple of times)
Understood. They aren't for everyone. Do the vox turn you off?

No, I am not like most power metal fans. I love death style vocals. I listen to all sorts of genres. I listen to Black Metal, Death, thrash and so on along with power and folk metal. Dark Tranquility disc just bore me. I have given them many chances but nothing clicks with me with them.