So, lots of the STICKY threads have been removed...

Korn is false metal because they're not metal. They are not only the most ubiquitous nu-metal band, but they coined the term.

They are hard rock disguised as metal, while remaining not metal.

However, I do not think the entirety of their work is bad, I don't think it's INCREDIBLE, but overall at the end of the day they're simply not a heavy metal band.
I dunno.
With a band like Korn, it seems like it was always more about the "trend" than the music. For example, when they first came out, they had the groove metal vibe, complete with the Suicidal Tendencies attire.
Then came the whole rap-metal thing.

I dunno. It just doesn't seem very genuine to me.

My statement has nothing to do with what I think of their music.
The approach just seems to be lacking any type of integrity.

Just my opinion. Jump all over it if you want.
KORN certainly do not need my dollar to pay the rent.
Well, I agree that they're definitely not metal in the traditional sense... however, they are the quintessential nu-metal band & definitely deserve some credit for that.

And say what you will, but I think Jonathan Davis is one of the most sincere singers on the planet...I believe he means every word he sings & every time he sings them...which is SO VERY rare among singers regardless of genre.

IMO, Korn is to nu-metal what Nirvana was/is to grunge. Not a big fan of either genre, but both bands were great at what they do.

And Jason, now I know why you have such an issue with Jim's jogging pants on stage...LOL!! :p :lol:
And Jason, now I know why you have such an issue with Jim's jogging pants on stage...LOL!! :p :lol:

Naw man!! The jogging pants are cool!!!
I wear pants like that every week when I take my daughter to Pee Wee Gym.
I am not cool enough to pull it off wearing a gorguts shirt though.

Back on topic though, I only know the "hit" KORN songs, so I can only speak to those. I dunno, I guess the gold chains, adidas pants, braided hair, etc along with the rapping make it hard to see what they are trying to do musically, or if they even care musically what they are doing....

Granted, I know there are PLENTY of bands that have a "Gimmick" that are quality musicians, so no need to go down that road.
Back on topic though, I only know the "hit" KORN songs, so I can only speak to those. I dunno, I guess the gold chains, adidas pants, braided hair, etc along with the rapping make it hard to see what they are trying to do musically, or if they even care musically what they are doing....

I agree...which is why it took me a long time to even give them a chance.