So my brother...

I find it hilarious how people talk like that when. It is so blatantly obvious many of them have never actually listened to metal or understand what it's about, there is a beauty in the madness, why else would people listen to it?
To be in cahoots with the devil I'd have to believe in him in the first place :D

The real debbil:

To be in cahoots with the devil I'd have to believe in him in the first place :D


Hey man, when it comes to god you're either with him or against him. There's no middle ground. Good luck with that that "I don't believe in the devil" card when he's roasting your ass over a flaming pit of fiery flame and fire. ;) :devil:
Hey man, when it comes to god you're either with him or against him. There's no middle ground. Good luck with that that "I don't believe in the devil" card when he's roasting your ass over a flaming pit of fiery flame and fire. ;) :devil:

if he were serious he would've capitalized the G. that's how you can tell. real jesuspal's can't type god without capitalizing.

completely unnecessary religious debate in 3....2....1....:ill: