so my mom tells me to put some of my cds on ...


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2003
Athens, Jo'gia
i wonder if she was thinking when she asked me to put on some of my cds while she cleans. but of course this is good for me because she has a huge ass stereo with really sweet speakers so it's like the whole house shakes with each basskick. *orgasm*

so i put on the following:

children of bodom - hatebreeder
sinergy - to hell and back
in flames - jester race
nightwish - wishmaster
skyfire - mind revolution

when bodom was playing she was like "i like the music but i can't understand what he's saying." hehehe.

now sinergy is playing and my dog is laying on her back by the speakers haha. the vibrations are probably soothing her or something.

so has anyone else's parents actually asked you to hear your music?
Guardian of Darkness said:
My mum listens to Opeth, Katatonia, My Dying Bride, etc etc.....And my dad likes extreme black metal.....So yep......

u sir are the luckiest man i have ever known
my mom has to be subjected to my entire opeth collection the duration of her stay in my bedroom whenever I can't have the computer and I have nothing else to do but sit there and read. :p
My mother likes the Bee Gees and the soundtrack to Chicago.

My dad likes classical music and is also an extremely talented and well-respected (in New Zealand) composer.

Overall my mother has terrible taste and my dad has good taste. Nothing wrong with classical is a higher artform than most any other genre...not that I really listen to it.
Coolest fuckin' parent/music moment I can recall is when I was visiting my folks and my Dad and I were hanging out listening to Emperor. He actually got some of the Wagner-ian refferences in the music, as well as other points of interest. In other words: he understood the music. Didn't care much for the subject matter of some of the lyrics, though. Well, he IS a Episcopal priest, ya know! :Spin:
My dad likes a lot of good music from the 70's (Yes, ELP, etc.) and puts up with my music. My mom is put off by the term death metal, but she's pretty open minded, I've just never really played anything for her.
Yeah the only music I like that gets played in the family stereo upstairs...

Dreamn Theater - SFAM
Yes - Relayer
Mahavishna Orchestra - Birds of Fire, Intermounting Flame, Trident sessions.
Shakti - Natural Elements
Coltraine - A love supreme
Miles Davis- Bitches Brew
Opeth - Damnation

Alot of Porcupine Tree and Sigur Ros too.