What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
You gtfo.
I quite literallyEveryone gtfo.

Also I have to go dig up my high speed dubbed copy of C + C Music Factory tape now.
You gtfo.
I quite literallyEveryone gtfo.
Matt NJ invited her back, they are close friends who exchange phone calls every night before slumber, and every afternoon before mid day porridge. Frankly, I could care less anymore, I've given up on this forum. One day you'll say, "hey, I haven't see RIA around here in awhile". And when that day comes, please do not mourn, but exalt my UM life in the highest way imaginable, by donating to the United Negro College Fund.
Don't look at me, I didn't tell her to come here.
This is madness!
Get the fuck out of this forum, or I swear by every ounce of estrogen that drips on to that maxipad that you wear as a diaper
<~~~ A fraction of the Spartiate forces, 15* shields wide, 12 rows deep, all with the same look of "WHAT THE FUCK?"