So THAT'S why we have different languages

It has been proven scientifically that homosexuality may be genetic, and humans have no control over that.

It might be genetic, but you are hard pressed to find conclusive evidence. There are indications that might be the case, though.

However, to say humans have no control over that is wrong. If it's genetic the ways to abolish the scourge of homosexuality are just different.
I don't say "I hate god." or "God sucks".I've been doing some thinking and I'm trying now to approach things like religion with a more open-minded idea like "Anything is possible." rather than...whatever it was that I used to say.Just because I personally don't believe there is a god doesn't mean that there isn't one.There could be.I'm pretty much willing to listen to everyone's beliefs.It's only,like I said,when they aren't willing to listen to mine that I have the problem.Just because your religion is the most widely believe and accepted dosen't mean that what I believe or what I have to say is any less relevant.But,as of now,I don't have much of a belief system;I don't subscribe to any type of religon.That's not to say that I'll always be like this;there's always room for change.But,looking at the prospect of a change like that from where I am now,spiritually,mentally and morally,I strongly doubt it.
As for the whole "I have to dislike religion because it's a 'metal' thing to do"attitude...well,empty and baseless hatred like that is just as stupid as someone hating me because I'm an athiest.But I guess some ppl have their own reasons for it.Like they suffered abuse at the hands of religious fanatic parents or they were molested by a priest or something like that.With me,it was just that that was the way I was educated for most of my chilhood and,for a long time,I didn't feel like I had the right to think for myself because what they taught us was the way that it was,without a doubt.They taught us not to ask questions and to accept only what the priest and our parents(who were, obviously,the same way as the teachers)told us.And I can't stand when that happens.The brain washing and all of that.Then there's the other side of it-my mother thinks that I was brain washed by listening to Marilyn Manson and heavy metal.I guess her idea of brain washing is when what someone thinks is going against what the majority of the population believes.The ignorance that religions instill in people is what I hate.
Ok, first off, i love reading the bible, as most of you know. ITs full of truth, and lies, and history.

The tower of babel had nothing to do with the christain GOD. Not at all, they didnt even believe in the chritsain god, the dudes in the bible, well, they lied about the reason the tower was even built, or they just made it up.

They tower was actually for marduke, the babylonian God. The tower was positioned right in front of the door leading into a Temple for marduk. SO, the tower, it was a step for their god to step on, on his way to his tomple from his home in the sky.

And, whats more is, the thing was only around 7 stories tall.

FFFAN>>>No dogging here from me to you. BUt IMO, The God described in the bible, well, he is a bit of good and evil. For one thing, God is greedy. He doesnt want you to worship anything/anyone but him. Second, he really wants us mortals in heaven. HE wants us bad......right? HE wants us ALL.right? Thast greed in my book. Third, he is a jealous fucker man. If humans love their offspring more than they love God, then he gets all mad and shit(rememebr, the big test with the knife, and the kids throat? hahaha...(FUCK THAT SHIT)). Your not suppose to question God, your supposed to follow him blindly, just on the letters and words written by mongo retards 2000 yrs ago(and further back). Well, thats shit in your plate isnt it. Yes, its evil to create soemthing and let it damn itself. It would be evil, to let such things as war happen. So, im glad your all spiritual and stuff, but dude, think about this shit for a while. ITs like WTF, if there is/was/whatever a God, and a hell, heaven, etc, then i would rather be herded into the pearly gates, then to walk the path to hell on my own free will. I mena shit dude, im sure youve read the bible ( i have lots), and im sure you didnt skip the parts descirbing HELL. Im not trying to change your view on your beliefs. Just telling whats on my mind, as did you.

And yeah, i could set here all night and write down the good stuff, that the bible states about God, and yeah, it would out weigh the bad,,,...but the bad is still there.

I agree on the things you said about evelution. NO, im not religious, but what you said, if one believed the stories in the bible, well, it should make sence to them, if they have half a brain, that the stuff **IF TRUE** would have been written from visions, by near retarded, uneduacted, near savages. And if they were in fact shown visions, then they would have interpreted them way off from what they should have been.

I also liked what you said about the metal vs God thing. RIght on man. You have a keen eye (not that it takes one to see how some ppl just diss things for the sake of dissing, or becouse their best friend disses .....)

Oh yeah, dude, where did you get that if your evil , you may still go to heaven? offence. As i said above, no dogging from me to you.

Oh yeah again, rememebr the "if you think it, you might as well do it" part? Not those same words, but none the less......So, IMO, if your gonna go by the bible, then dude, if your a guy, and you go for guys.....or if your a girl and you go for.......then your going to hell, weather your practicing or not. The thing is, if your gay, and you even think about gay sex, then your gonna burn. (i have a gay friend BTW, so, im not against a gay fellow, just dont want the move to made on me, if you get me here)

No offence, but you seem to me to be a guy who wants to go to heaven, and you still want some free time for a bit of evil. From what i take from the bible, its pretty damn hard to get in the gates of heaven. Not easy as you were describing above.

SO, what do you think about the pope? No shit, i have to ask this. Personlly, i think he is the ANTI CHRIST, if all this bible stuff is to be taken for the real deal. Dude, C's fuck my mind the way they make over that old shit stack.
And another thing...whats with this shit with C's and the saints? Do you guys actaully pray to them or what? ANd where does it say anything about the rules to become a saint in the bible? And if its not in the bible, then who made it up, and why do C's make such a fuss over the saints. ANd, isnt it a bit pagan to pray in front of a statue of jesus, and what about the big ass statue of mary? These are just some questions ive had for a while, and this is the first time ive thought of asking a C.

Once again FFFAN, no offence to you or your beliefs, since we all have different ones anyway.
what a nice mature discussion/thread. anyone that thinks the neverboard is just an immature flame fest can lick my hairy nutsac and go fuck themselves.
Nice post ledmag. You had some good points. I can understand what you said about the whole blindly following God thing. And yes, I do agree that at times it does feel like that. Speaking from my own personal experiences, I can honestly say that I did that for probably the first 17 years or so of my life. I followed, and never really questioned why. I'm 20 now, and have done more soul-searching and questioning than I have ever done in my life. I don't blindly follow anymore, but I still believe because I have indeed spent countless hours thinking and contemplating everything I've been taught. And what I believe in makes sense to me.
As far as the whole "God being greedy" thing...I look at that in this way. True, it may seem that God is greedy because He wants us all to himself and wants everything for Himself. But try to think of it like this. Spiritual doctrine dictates that we are all one family, and God is our Father. So in that sense, it's simply a father wanting all of his children to return to in real life. If a father had his sons and daughters spread out all over the world, he would want them to return eventually so that he could be with them again because he loves them that much. Secondly, with God being jealous...the story you brought up with Abraham and Isaac, I will agree with you that that is a bit extreme. But that did not happen often in the Bible, and that was simply a test. God didn't really want Abraham to kill his son...He just wanted to see if Abraham would obey Him if He gave him an order. That was simply the ultimate question that God placed before him: "If I asked you to sacrifice your only son, would you do it?" But I'm sure there are some of you that probably look at this story and think "There God goes again, giving orders to humans simply because He can." And I respect your views on that.
Now, your point about praying to the saints. Here's the thing: we don't pray TO the saints. We ask them to pray to God for us. The same goes with Mary. It's intercession. It's like when you did something wrong as a kid and you knew your dad would be highly pissed off at you, so you ask your mom to break the news to him to try to make him less angry. This is the same idea. So really, we aren't praying to the saints or to Mary, but we're asking for intercession, or help if you will. Now about the Pope. Well...I have mixed views of him really. A lot of the things he believes in and tries to instill in the Catholic church, I highly disagree with, such as not letting priests marry or not allowing birth control. I admit that the church needs an overhaul and needs to contemporize, but I don't see that happening with JPII in power.
As far as deciding who becomes a saint and who doesn't. There really aren't any set rules for it. It's more of looking at the person's life and what they did. If they made a very significant contribution to the lives of others, then they are considered for canonization. But don't hold me to that, because I'm not totally sure how that works.
You also said something that kind of struck me. You said from what you've read in the Bible, it's damn hard to get into heaven. No offense to you, but to me it sounds like you're taking the Bible literally, and you absolutely cannot do that. The Bible was written by poets who wrote metaphorically, therefore a literal interpretation is going to cause nothing but trouble. In my opinion, it's not as hard to get into heaven as people think it is. Humans aren't perfect. We do fuck up, and God realizes that. It's not totally on what we do, but it's what our attitude and mindframe is when we do it. If we do something wrong and don't feel bad about it or did it to intentionally hurt someone or something, then that's the wrong thing and that's where you get into trouble.
Again, I'm not trying to change anyone's views here. Everyone has their different views on how life should be lived. In my eyes, as long as everyone is treated with respect and not trashed because they think differently, then that's all you need. I'm Catholic and proud of it, but I'm not a blind follower. I'm open to other people's views and enjoy hearing what they have to say. If someone has a question about why I think a certain way, I'll be more than happy to try and explain myself. All I ask is that you treat me with the same respect that I would show you. And so far, as far as all of these posts go, that's been done, and I thank you all for that. \m/
I have a question FFf, about souls. Do you consider your soul to be a reflection of yourself, or just something that gives you life? I believe it is just something that gives your body life. I don't know really why I believe it, I just do. Also, isn't the idea of Hell just a device to get people to blindly follow Christianity? I mean, the Bible says that faith is the most important thing. And if you don't have it, you will be punished. Well, we have free will, yet, we are going to be punished for something that God gave us? Of course, this instills fear into the hearts of people, and that causes blind faith. And also, didn't they write the Bible in such a way that it can be thought that Lucifer was just an angel seeking independence from a tyrant. That is why some Devil worshipers are devil worshipers. This would cause controversy and make Christianity more well known.
its impossible the know the intentions of the people who wrote the damn thing. and anyone who says they KNOW what they were thinking is a fucking liar. the bible is all about how you interperate it which is why theres so many different denominations of christianity. they all have a different spin on it.
You know the great thing about religion and the creation of the universe, you can say anything and it could be true. Infact, right now, I am going to state that a giant all-powerful and all-knowing version of Warrel created the universe. Speaking of universe, does anybody think that there could be another one? I was wondering, if there is a God, if maybe he was just the god of this universe and there is another for every universe. Or maybe our God is just the God of the Earth since the Bible fails to mention life in the great beyond. Maybe he is the god of this galaxy.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
I have a question FFf, about souls. Do you consider your soul to be a reflection of yourself, or just something that gives you life? I believe it is just something that gives your body life. I don't know really why I believe it, I just do. Also, isn't the idea of Hell just a device to get people to blindly follow Christianity? I mean, the Bible says that faith is the most important thing. And if you don't have it, you will be punished. Well, we have free will, yet, we are going to be punished for something that God gave us? Of course, this instills fear into the hearts of people, and that causes blind faith. And also, didn't they write the Bible in such a way that it can be thought that Lucifer was just an angel seeking independence from a tyrant. That is why some Devil worshipers are devil worshipers. This would cause controversy and make Christianity more well known.

I've never really thought about it before, but I guess I would consider the soul to be a little of both. I do indeed believe that the soul is what gives us life, and it's what separates us from other forms of life, but I do also believe that it's a reflection of ourselves...or I guess really the other way around. We are a reflection of our souls. As far as hell goes, I don't think it's a device to get people to blindly follow Christianity...but rather it's a device used to convince people to live a good life. I mean, Christianity isn't the only religion that teaches us to be good to others. Probably every other religion in the world has that same basic underlying principle. With faith, yeah I think the Bible does say that (in fact, I'm pretty sure it does). But also, it's assumed that if you have faith that good deeds will inherently come as a result. Now anyone with half a brain knows that that is not the case, and I've seen it before. People have said that they believe in God and have faith (or that they are "saved", as they like to call it), yet they do some of the most horrible or stupidest things I've ever seen. Again, I don't know how God thinks, so I don't know if we would be punished for something that He gave us. Again, it's all in how you interpret it.
As for the Lucifer story, you're right. Lucifer was indeed a former angel of God that rose up against Him because he thought he could be more powerful than God. Obviously, God won and banished him into hell for all eternity. I'm not sure I get your point about the devil worshippers though...that was a little confusing. If you're implying that devil worshippers worship Satan as an act of defiance against God, then yeah I guess that is true and yeah it would cause controversy. But Christianity is already pretty well-known. I don't know if that would make it more well-known.
"I'm not sure I get your point about the devil worshippers though...that was a little confusing. If you're implying that devil worshippers worship Satan as an act of defiance against God, then yeah I guess that is true and yeah it would cause controversy. But Christianity is already pretty well-known. I don't know if that would make it more well-known."
Well, I was saying that the reason some of them are devil worshippers is because they feel that Lucifer stood up for independence and not in a defiance against God. Like you said, it's all in how you interpret it. And about the well-known thing, I was thinking more about the past when it wasn't well-known. This is a very good convo. No flames. What a shock.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
You know the great thing about religion and the creation of the universe, you can say anything and it could be true. Infact, right now, I am going to state that a giant all-powerful and all-knowing version of Warrel created the universe.
That actually makes a lot of sense...:lol: